Chapter Two~ "running for what seems like hours"

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I wake with a pounding in my head. How much did I drink last night? Jesus, I need some coffee definitely. I move to get up and out of bed before realising that something's holding me in place.
Great. It's a fucking arm. Who did I sleep with?
I turn around in the arms of the stranger to face the mystery man.
Wait, what? I slept with Jake?
He must've felt me turn because his eyes flutter open slowly.
"Hey beautiful," he says in his husky voice with a big grin starting to form on his face. His arm moves from my waist to my face to push a strand of hair back behind my ear. This is the point when i realise we're both naked...pushed against each other. I quickly jump up and slip on the first thing i see to give myself some amount of dignity. This happens to be his T-shirt. I know, it's cliche but as long as it covers me, I don't care. I walk into the kitchen and start making pancakes before brewing the coffee. As I'm cracking an egg, i hear footsteps behind me. Suddenly arms wrap around me as I'm about to hit bowl, knocking it's contents all over the floor. I grab a handful of flour from the floor and chuck it at him. He stares at me for a second, before grabbing an egg and smashing it on my head. It drips down my face and I stare at him in horror. I grab three eggs and smash them all on his head, rubbing them in. He glares at me and rushes towards me. I run away towards the bathroom but he soon catches up with me, vigorously tickling me.

"," I scream in the middle of laughing. Holding my hands above my head with one hand and tickling me with the other, he laughs mischievously before he stops and leans his forehead against mine. We're both panting heavily whilst laughing. He slowly leans in and presses his lips against mine, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

~2 days later~

When Jake left the other day, we decided to meet up again. This time we said no to drinking since that didn't really go down well the last time. We're meeting in a smalltown cafe called "jerry's". I've been many time before and it's probably my favourite place. They do the best chocolate milkshakes ever. He said to meet there at four o' clock but I'm leaving at twelve o' clock.

I know what you're thinking; why is she leaving this early?

I'm leaving this early because he doesn't want to eat there, he just wants to grab a coffee and talk. Plus I'm hungry and in the mood for food out.

When i get there, i walk in casually. The place is quite big. I usually sit round the corner, watching the cars pass through the window. I quickly order my chocolate milkshake and burger, and start walking for the table when the food arrives. It's tradition I sit there because my dad and me loved this place. That was OUR seat. When he died, I made a promise to myself to continue coming here, no matter how sad it made me.

I round the corner and start walking towards my table when I see a girl sitting there. I can't really say anything because it's not reserved for me, it just means alot to me to sit there. Then I see him. He walks from the toilets and towards the table. When he sits down, she gives him a quick kiss. Jake is kissing another girl on the lips. We aren't dating so I shouldn't be bothered, but I am. I mean, we spent the night together. To top it all off, they're sitting in my seat.

Whilst taking this all in, i must've dropped my food, because everyone was staring at me. I feel a tear trickle down my face. This was pathetic, I'm crying over a one night stand. I quickly turn around and leave. I begin running when I leave and I don't know where and to be honest, I don't really care. I just needed to get out of there.


Looking at myself in the mirror I know I'm in the wrong. I should've told her about Nicole. I don't want her to find out from someone else. She needs to know.
With one last look at myself I walk out the bathroom and towards our table. I lean down and kiss Nicole with a small smile on my face.


I turn my head towards the crash, and so does Nicole. That's when i lock eye contact with her. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. She goes bright red and runs out. I think she's crying. Crap, she probably saw the kiss.


Nicole bursts out laughing. I stare at her wide eyed. I can't fucking believe she's laughing.

"What? Is that not pathetic? I wonder what happened there?" she questions and slowly stops laughing. I think she saw the seriousness on my face.

"I can't believe you. Seriously, you're laughing at her pain. I'm going after her," I start to get up, but I get pulled back down again.

"oh, It's her isn't it? Why did she start cry? You did tell her you had a girlfriend, right?" her face starts to look serious, "you didn't do anything.....stupid, did you? You did. You're choosing her again aren't you?" Her eyes start to well with tears as I stare at the table. It stays like this for a whilst before I get up.
"I'm sorry."


I've been running for what seems like hours. I need to stop and think about what I'm doing. I stop in an dark alley. I don't know where I am. I search for my phone, but it's not there. Shit. I must've left my stuff at the diner.
I hear a wolf whistle behind me, a few actually. I turn slowly and begin walking away. I walk straight into someone who pushes me back into the wall. I look up and  I'm surrounded by a group of five boys.
"What's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this, all alone?" One guy questions, stepping closer to me. I feel a tear slip down my cheek. I stare at floor, hoping to turn invisible. Big hands grab my arms and hold me back, struggling I push against them, trying to escape. I have one boy holding each arm and one holding my head up from behind so I'm staring at who I guess is the ring leader. He starts walking closer until he's 3cm's away from my face.
"I'm sorry girl, but think of this as gods punishment for being in this part of town, at the wrong time."
He kneels down, to pull my jeans down I think, but I knee him straight in the face. He doesn't even flinch, he just stands and tells to other men to retrain my legs. I can't move now. He moves closer again and kneels down for the second time. He slowly grabs the top of my jeans and pulls them down. I'm crying heavily now.
"Oh baby, we're gonna have fun tonight." His words scar my thoughts as he pulls my pants down. He stays like that for a while before he pulls his jeans and pants down too. I wince in fear and pain as he inserts himself into me.
"HEY. GET THE FUCK OFF HER," I hear to my right and the guy gets off of me, and pulls his trousers back up. He makes an eye gesture to the other guys and walks towards the voice. The arms on my head losen and I turn towards the voice. It's Jake. I'm suddenly thrown to the ground with a lot of force.


Oh my fucking God. I'm going to kill him. I probably wouldn't of found her but I heard a scream and i just knew it was her. She makes eye contact with me but it soon ends when she's thrown to the ground aggressively. Anger flashes through my veins and I glare at the leader. He chuckles and arms suddenly restrain me. The leader flicks out a knife, but I can't take my eyes off her. They won't stop kicking and punching her. She's crying but I think she's passed out.
All of a sudden I feel a sudden pain in my abdomen and again, and again. I look down and notice the knife. I start feeling dizzy. I'm gonna pass out. Before I do pass out, I hear sirens and running footsteps. I hit the floor with a bang.
"Jake!" I hear as my vision fades.

Hey I'm back. Finally edited this chapter. Took me a while but it's finally done. I'm sorry it's chaotic but I honestly wrote this when I was 14. I'm trying to make it better but let's be honest, it's just not😂.

Instagram- codinorcup

Question: what was your inspiration for this chapter?
Answer: I think it was my friends idea but originally it was very very graphic so I tried to 'emphasise' it a bit.


See you next chapter...

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