Chapter 26: 10 MONTHS

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Crying. She won't stop crying. She lies there crying, expecting me too feed her, or change her nappy. Why? She needs to learn to do it herself. I hate her. I always thought I'd love her, but no. She reminds me too much of him. Everytime I look into them gorgeous eyes, I see him. The memory repeats itself. OVER AND OVER. I got a text message from Nicole.

Hey, can I come over and see my favourite niece?

Yeah whatever.

I put my head in my hands. I've lived in this small apartment for way too long. It's more like a prison, than home. I hesitantly get up and walk to the kitchen. She's still crying from upstairs. I bend down and pull a bottle of tequila out of the cupboard. There's only a little bit left so I neck it. It burns the back of my throat but I don't care. Nicole will be here soon. I walk up the stairs slowly and walk into the bathroom. I rinse my face with cold water. SHE WON'T STOP CRYING. I stomp into her room.

"SHUT UP YOU LITTLE PRICK, I SWEAR TO GOD. I WILL KILL YOU!!!" This only makes her cry more. I pick up a pillow and slowly move it over the baby. I keep it in place until the crying slows. She's not dead, but it shut her up. I walk down stairs and pull out the biggest knife in the draw. I slit both my legs. OVER AND OVER. Then I move to my stomach. OVER AND OVER. The pain is unbelievable, but It's addicting. Then I move to my arms and swipe the knife across my scared skin. OVER AND OVER. I start feeling dizzy and sway a little. I hold the counter and steady myself. Bang. That must be Nicole at the door. I push away from the counter and try to walk. I fall instantly. The impact onto my legs, stomach and wrists hurts. Bang. I try to crawl towards the door, blood smearing on the floor. My vision starts to fade and it all goes BLACK.


Ugh, I hate working here. Being an environmental health officer is just too busy for me. I finished my shift about 5 minutes ago and now I'm waiting for my iced Frappuccino in Starbucks. Maybe Jenny'll let me come round and see Ocean. I pull out my phone and quickly type.

Hey, can I come over and see my favourite niece?

yeah whatever.

Whatever? She's been a little weird since Ocean was born. But then again, she's probably just tired from raising a child. The woman behind the counter brings me my drink and I hand her £4.67. I walk to my small mini and climb in. Jenny's apartment is only 5 minutes away, so I won't be long. I drive there but get stuck in traffic and all in all, takes me around 10 minutes. Nevermind, 5 less minutes with Ocean is fine. I walk up the stairs and knock on her door. Ocean isn't crying so she must be sleeping. NO ANSWER. I knock again only louder. Ocean still doesn't cry. NO ANSWER. I pull out my spare key and slowly unlock the door. About a metre away, Jenny is on the floor, Bleeding out. I pull out my phone and call an ambulance. I run around the house, looking for Ocean. She was in her bed gasping for air. I picked her up and held her in my arms. She weighs less than she did when she was born and she's very skinny. I slowly take her downstairs and into the kitchen. I open the fridge and pull out a bottle of milk.


okay so sadly this is the official end of WHEN HE LEFT but there will be sequel coming out explain what happened. When I Publish the first chapter of the sequel, I'll add in an extra chapter explaining how to find it and maybe a small sneak peak. It's been amazing writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading it.

love you all xxx

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