Chapter 19: bastard

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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," I'm starting to get used to the pain of the electric shocks now. I've been having them everyday for the past 4, 5 months, I don't even know what month it is. Does Jenny think ran away? I deserve to die because of what I did to her. She hates me. I left the hospital to clear my head. I was gonna go back later that day. I couldn't. I went to the flat and they had trashed the place. They fricken drugged me and took everything from her. They're going to kill her, they said so. She could be dead right now and I couldn't save her. I'm a pathetic excuse for a man. I just wish they'd get it over with and finish me off. I don't know how much longer I can tak-

"Jake we have a surprise for you," a voice interrupts my thoughts.

"What now Raymond," ugh I hate him, he's so annoying.

"Bring her in...NOW," what now. the door clicks open and a week 20-year-old girl is pushed in. She looks familiar.

"J..j...ja...jake, is t..that" she's stuttering and how does she know my name?

"Yes, that's me. Who are you?"

"Jake!" she runs over to me, I'm tied to a chair by the way, and throws her arms around me,"It's me. Paige, your sister." No, it can't be. 

"Is this some sick joke? MY SISTER IS DEAD. SHE DIED WHEN I WAS 12," she immediately tenses and my shoulder grows wet as tears fall from her eyes. She pulls away, hands still on my arms, and stares into my eyes.

"Jake, how can you recognize your sister? I recognized you and look at you, you're all grown up. You're a man, dumbass," there it is.

"Oh my god, Paige, how long have you been here?"

"About six years. When I went under the waves they were on a boat and found me. They were good to me....for a while, then the torture started. They showed me videos of you and mum crying at my funeral, even that day on the beach. Then they started hu-" Her scared voice interrupted by Raymond.

"Okay, enough family bonding. Luke, take in the other chair and tie her to it...NOW. Jesus, you're so slow." His voice echo's through the room as the door clicks open and a man walks in with a chair and rope. He grabs Paige by the arms and drags her to the chair, while she struggles.

"NOOOOOOOO, GET OFF ME. LET JAKE GO," he practically throws her into the chair. She winces as tears fall, whilst he ties her too the chair. Once she's tied in securely, he walks out the room. Paige continues sobbing as Raymond walks in. He punches her and she stops.

"Oh, do shut up. Jake isn't she annoying?" he stares at me intensely.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" He simply nods at the camera in the corner, then walks towards me. He gets his face just inches away from mine.

"Wrong answer. I think she is, why don't we shut her up permanently?" My eyes widen as a women walks in with a trolley. It has a needle and thread on it.

"No, no please. I'm sorry about him, please don't do this. I don't wanna die," Paige cries from behind me. Raymond turns and walks towards her and strokes her cheek.

"You're not gonna die sweety, just calm down," he sends a look to the woman and walks out. She picks up the needle and thread. I try to break free but it just results in my face planting the floor. I can't see what's happening but I can hear her screams. About ten minutes later the woman leaves and two men walk in and stand me up. I stare at Paige, her head is down. Raymond walks in again and smiles at me. 

"Oh, don't look so worried, she's not dead," He lifts her head slowly to face me.

"P...Paige. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?" I glare at him then back to my sister whose mouth has been tightly sewn closed. Her eyes are closed and blood pours from every hole around her mouth. Raymond laughs and pulls out a couple of penknives. He shoves a knife in each of my hands and I scream out in pain. 

"Jeez, Jake, you tryna deafen me? Please chill out, SHE'S coming tomorrow," He turns to leave, but stops,"Oh, and Your pretty girlfriend isn't dead....yet," He laughs and walks out. 



hey sorry for the graphic end but I hope you're enjoying this book. If you are vote, vote, vote.

love you all xxx

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