chapter 14: get of me

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"Great, come on, lets go grab the boards," they all run towards the sports shed, apart from Jake. His lip quivers as he stares straight ahead. I grab his head and give it a gentle squeeze. He glances down at me, his face white.

I know what this is about.

He suddenly breaks down in tears, and collapses onto the floor. I kneel down next to him and hug him. He rests his head on my chests, and lets it all out. 

"hey....shhhh......I'm here," I whisper to him calmly and rest my chin on his head.

After an hour of crying, and one interruption from Sky, I help Jake get cleaned up.

"Come on, lets go, they'll be waiting," Jake looks down at me. 

"We don't have too, we can recreate that sleepover we had when we were like 10," I smile at him weakly, knowing this must be hard for him. 

He was in Italy when he lost Paige, so i wasn't there, but his mum and my mum have ALWAYS kept in touch. She told me what happened and i literally cried. Paige was like a big sister to me and i missed her just as much as i missed Jake. Apparently Nicole and her were really close, so Nicole didn't go surfing today. She stayed in her room, but me and Jake went down to the beach. We didn't surf, we just stayed on the beach. We had so much fun. We even had ice-cream, i got it because he has a big fear on ice-cream vans since that day. It's currently mid afternoon and we've just had dinner. Me and Jake are alone on the beach again. 

I get out the big box of cupcakes and start eating one. The cake is suddenly mushed into my face, all over it. I hear laughing next to me and i stare at Jake, mouth wide open.

"I can't believe you," i grab another cake and rub it on his face. He grabs two and rubs it on my chest. I hit his arm and he starts tickling me. 

"Get off me......hahaha," HE picks me up and flings me over his shoulder. He's running the sea. I hear the girls ooooohing at us. He suddenly chucks me into the water, i don't let go of his neck, so he falls in after me. Laughing and spluttering, we both rise.

"Be my girlfriend?" He whispers in my ear, huskily. I grin massively and lick the side of his face.

"I'll think about it," i tease, he pouts, and i start to swim back to shore. He grabs my legs and pulls me back.

"Don't tease me, so whatcha say?" He grins, still holding my legs.

"Please let me go and maybe I'll tell you," he doesn't let go, he pulls me closer. Making me straddle his waist.

"No, maybe i don't want to let go just yet,"


sorry for the short chapter but i've been kinda distracted lately. my friend hxllyxy wanted a shout out so here it is. love you guys xxx

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