Chapter 24: i throw knives dumbass

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"Okay, so me and Blake are going to the shops. Try not to get killed whilst we're gone," Jake said as he left the apartment with Blake. Me, Nicole and Sky spent the time alone playing sing star and can I just point out, I was kicking their butts. Jake ad Blake walked in a few hours later. We looked up too see Blake holding Jake up, his arm round his shoulder. I quickly ran to them and helped Jake onto a stool by the breakfast bar.
"What the fuck happened to you guys?" Nicole asked as I looked for the first aid kit. Jake had a black eye forming and a gash on his arm. Blake also had a black eye and a split lip.
"We ran into a gang and they jumped us. We fought back hard and they knocked Jake out. I eventually knocked them out and pulled Jake here, and before you say, I couldn't call the police because then they'll find us." I finally found the first aid kit and pulled out a plaster. I stuck it over the gash on Jake and sat there waiting for him to wake.
"Actually I've been thinking about that. If we're gonna live here the rest of our lies, we're going to need fake identities. I know a guy and he got us som fake IDs. Here," Nicole passed us all an ID.
"Bill? Really? So creative," Blake questioned. To be honest all our names were simple. Bill was Blake, Sarah being Sky, Nadia was Nicole, I was Jocelyn and Jake was Johnny.
We sat around for ages until Sky went to take a shower, Blake soon followed.
"Well, we know what's about to happen with them," Nicole joked as I got up to make tea. I was almost done, getting milk from the fridge to be precise, when two strong arms wrapped around me. I smiled as weight suddenly landed on my shoulder. I tilted my head and kissed Jakes cheek. I knew it was him from his smell.
"I could of been one of the girls or, even worse, Blake," I laughed and poured the milk into the teas.
"Well, I knew it was you by your smell," I teased as I took the teas into Nicole. She smiled as I passed it too her.
"I let him borrow my cologne so you never know," he laughed following me.
"Will you two shut up. I'm trying to watch this," she was watching the mortal instruments. I finally walked into the kitchen after drooling over Jayce.
"Don't think I didn't see the drool on your chin," I smiled at Jake as he followed me into the kitchen.
"Oh, jealous are we?" I decided I was going to make a cake, so I pulled out some of the ingredients for a Victoria sponge.
"No, don't know what you're on about. Anyway what are you doing?"
"I'm making a cake dipshit."
"Can I be your sexy assistant?"
"You can be my assistant, don't know about sexy though," I teased and grabbed a bowl.
"Oh, you're gonna pay for that."
We started the cake off fine until it came to the eggs. I went to get the one that was on the side waiting but it wasn't there. Suddenly something hard and wet hid me.
A/N~you are really dirty minded people.
I felt my head with my hand and inspected the strange liquid.
Egg yolk.
I turned to see Jake laughing. I threw as egg at him. I missed of purpose to get his attention.
"Um, you missed."
"I meant too, you really think I'm gonna miss, I throw knives dumbass."
"Shit" he ran but I threw four eggs and hit him on the was every time. He went into our room, so u grabbed the bag of flour and chased after him. I looked everywhere but couldn't find him. I stood there looking round the room when a hand went over my mouth and pulled me into the balcony. Shit, I didn't check the balcony. I licked his hand and he instantly let go. I threw the flour all over him an laughed as it stuck to the egg. We laughed for a while until he clutched his head.
"Baby, I feel dizzy," he said and within seconds he fell. He fell over the railings and down 6 floors towards the ground. I stood frozen still and screamed,"JAAAAAAAKKKKKKEEEEEEE!!"
Sorry I took so long to update I've been really busy but yeah. If u liked this update then click the vote button. Also follow me on Instagram at codinorcup
So yeh baiiii
Love you all xxxx

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