Chapter 21: You nearly died because of me

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"Jake, We've watched three films now and it's only 2am. I'm bored,"  She looks at me, begging me not to put another movie on. I move away from the shelf with the DVD's on and walk slowly towards the bed. Jenny pats the seat neat to her and sits cross-legged across from me. She smirks as I sit cross-legged in front of her. I suggested we played dares. My sister always played them with her boyfriend, Ben. She agreed, slightly awkwardly. 

"I dare you  to stick your bum out the window for 10 seconds," Jenny laughed as I did  the dare, but now I had to think of something for her. 

"Now, I've done that, sooooo you have outside in your underwear," yep that was the right dare for her.

"But it's 3am and it's freezing."

"DOOOOOOO ITTTTTT," She quickly went outside in her underwear and ran around. I waited by the door with a dressing gown. 

"I can't believe you made me do that," She says as she walks inside. I throw my arm over her shoulder and give her a quick kiss on her cheek. She looks at me, surprised, maybe I can finally tell her how I feel.

"What are you two doing up at this time? GET TO BED, NOW," A voice calls from the kitchen, Jake's mum, so we head upstairs to bed.

"Jake, can I sleep next to you tonight? I'm really scared of your mum," I laugh but nod. I move my hand from her shoulders, to her hand and pull her towards me and into a hug.



"I'm going to check on Jake. I'm going to make sure he doesn't have a tracking device in his neck, so nobody follows us back to yours. You check Paige," Nicole goes to Jake in the back of the van and I walk to Paige. Blake keeps driving around randomly until we're sure nobody's following us. I see a small back thing under the skin in the back of the neck.

"Nicole, how do you remove tracking devices?"

"You use a penknife and dig it out then throw it out the window. Got it?"

"Got it," I pull my penknife out and dig it carefully into the skin. I pull the device out and throw it out the window. Nicole does the same with hers and I climb into the front seat. I hear Paige wake up because she's making noises. I look over my shoulder to see Jake unconscious and Nicole slowly removing the thread attaching Paige's mouth closed. Once done , Paige gasps for air behind me. It takes us a while to get back seen as we took loads of extra turns just in case.  Blake and Nicole put Jake in my bed and wait for him to wake. Alice and Sky walk out of Alice's room confused, so we explained everything.

"Wait, so you killed a bunch of people?" Sky asked me as Nicole made some tea.

"Yeah, I'm afraid so," I say walking to Paige, who's sitting facing the floor. I pass her a bandage so she can wipe her mouth. She looks up at me and hugs me. She pulls away and opens her mouth to speak but I stop her.

"Don't try to talk yet. Let your wounds heal first," she simply nods and she starts to close her eyes but quickly reopens them. 

"Do you remember when you and Jake had that sleepover? When you had to run outside in your underwear?" I laugh and nod. She winces but carries on.

"And when Jake kissed your cheek?"

"You saw that?"

"Yes, and that was when I first noticed that he loved you."

"What? I thought that he thought of me as a sister, back then."

"Nope, I read his diary and he wouldn't stop menti-" She was interrupted by Nicole calling me. She said that Jake had been saying my name in his sleep. I went straight in and sat next to him, cradling his hand. He winced in his sleep. Crap, injured hand. I slowly and carefully place his hand down and just wait.


"Jenny, is that really you? Jenny?" I wake up with a jump when a had touches my arm,"shhhhh, it's 3am," I can't believe he's awake. I throw my arms around his neck and just hold him there.

"I'm never letting go of you again. Promise me you won't leave again? Please stay with me," I feel a tear drip down my face and fall onto his shoulder. He pulls me away and stares into my eyes intently.

"You still love me after all I've caused you. You've nearly died because of me, and y-" I quickly interrupt him.

"And I've killed for you, even after everything you did, which by the way I know everything. Nicole explained everything to me. I get it. I know why you did stuff and I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry for being so horrible to you at the hospital, plus you're here right now, TO STAY."

"Might not for long, and that was you? With the knives?"

"Yes, but what do you mean not for long?"

"because golden eye said they're going to kill you>"


love you all xxx

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