Chapter 25: IMPACT

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Silence. It wasn't comfortable. Definitely not. It was eerie, awkward almost. Her screams pierced it almost instantly. I didn't hear anything the man was saying. His mouth was moving, but I was frozen. I shifted my gaze to her. She was on the floor sobbing with Sky wrapped around her like a present. Blake was standing by the wall his head down. Was he crying? The man was knelt beside Jenny now. Talking in a soothing voice. A puddle was starting to form from her tears. I sat down in a chair and actually looked around for the first since we'd been here. We were in a small room with beige walls. The small door is oak wood with a small window. The glass had squares on it, like in a maths book. There was a desk with a leather spinny chair. On the desk was a computer, a pile of papers, a few picture frames with a young girl-I'm guessing his daughter-and a pot of pens. To the right of that is a ceiling high bookshelf, filled to the brim with medical books.  There's also a few chairs by the wall, one of which, I was sitting on. Blake was near the door and Sky was on the floor with Jenny and the Doctor. I decided to tune into what the man was saying to her.

"...probably died on the impact. Look we have really good council-" She shouted and interrupted him.

"LOOK I DON'T NEED A FUCKING COUNCILER. I NEED A GOOD FUCKING DOCTOR WHO CAN BRING MY BOYFRIEND BACK," she breaks into more sobs on the floor," I didn't even get te....tell him." She breaks down again, this time more violent.

"Hey, shhhh, It's okay. What didn't you tell him?" Sky says stroking Jenny's hair. Jenny moves back and places her hands on her stomach. She opens her mouth to speak but the door bursts open and in runs Caleb. He runs straight over to his sister and wraps his arms around her, pushing Sky away. Sky walks over to Blake and is instantly engulfed in his arms. I throw my head in between my knees and laugh. I don't know why I'm laughing, but I am. I stopped and starred at the floor. My cheeks feel warm and then wet all of a sudden. Drops of water hit the floor. The same water that made my cheeks wet slipped over my lips. I licked it away before anyone noticed. It tasted like salt. It was tears. I don't cry, not since my dad died. I sobbed as we all mourned for Jake. Jenny broke the silence again, her words soft,

"I'm pregnant," She said it bluntly, tears no longer falling. She stared at the floor, her cheeks blotchy and red. We all looked up within the second, apart from Caleb. He looks up slowly at his sister, but only to pull her into an even tighter hug. Then as everyone looks down, my borws furrow. How did he know we were here? He was meant to think we were dead.

"Calebbbbb, how are you here?" Everyone lifted their gaze towards me. Their eyes quickly widened and looked at Caleb.

"I kinda followed you here. I ran my car off the cliff and stole a spare boat. I'm sorry."

"But.....but.....I saw you  on Tv?" Jenny says moving backwards.

"I flew back home once I knew where you were. I didn't tell anyone and I had people keeping an eye on you. Once I heard about the fight I came straight here. I'm so sorry sis," He explained and pulled her close again. She'll be ok, we all will.


sorry for not updating in like forever. still love the few that read this. oh wait, you only read the sex scenes. just kidding, I don't care who reads this.

love you all xxx

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