leaving paris

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Marinette had said her goodbyes to everyone except chat noir and adrien but Ayla said she would tell adrien she said goodbye marinette smiled knowing her best friend was able to keep her pregnancy a secret. Ayla hugged marinette and asked for pictures when the baby was born marinette just nodded then her flight was called "girl you better go or you will miss your flight" alya said they hugged again and marinette left to board her flight. Ayla had turn to nino and hugged him "I miss her already " Ayla whined nino laughed at her "Ayla we all know you will call her everyday" Ayla smiled and the couple left the airport. Nino wanted to go to adrien place to get the poor guy out of there and Ayla agreed to do that because she need to tell him marinette said goodbye. They were at his house and rung the doorbell , adrien ran out the door " hey guys what's up?" Said adrien then he looked around "where's marinette?, it's rare not to see Ayla and marinette connected to the hip" he asked Ayla giggled a bit " last minute she decided to go to new york for university and she wanted me to tell you goodbye" adrien felt his blood go cold "o-oh" he sounded hurt but quickley put the perfect adrien mask on again "that's to bad I was lookin forward to getting to know her better and you know talk to her instead of trying to understand her" Ayla snorted "poor girl you made her so nervous" the group laughed "let's go get some icecream" said nino ,adrien backed out "dude I'm not being the third wheel" nino eyebrow wiggled "missing marinette already must suck not having a date" adrien face went red "we aren't dating nino" he muttered Ayla laughed at the boys "maybe she found someone in new York " she teased "you make it sound like she left her home just for some random guy in new York" adrien sound alittle offended that she said that , the couple laughed " if you want we could bring chloe and you won't be alone" adrien went quite the spoke " you know what being that third wheel sounds great" and they left.the entire day adrien felt terrible why didn't she tell chat she was leaving or maybe she felt distraught after what happend that night adrien knew that he loved his lady but he also felt the same with marinette he sighed and he let Those emotions take over him maybe that's why she left, she felt him being conflicted over her and ladybug and decided to leave to end it there adrien sighed he saw his bag move around and plagg popped his head up "ladybug is calling" was all he said "ah, I will be right back" he said and grabbed his bag and ran to a place to hide and transform to answer "my lady why do you call?" He purred into the phone the line was silent and he panicked a bit "chat I won't be in Paris for a while can you handle that?" The voice sounded distraught "Why yes my lady how long are you gone for" again the line was silent "four maybe five years" that hit him like a rock "w-what?" Then click she ended the call chat Transformed back to adrien and sighed "lost both princess and my lady".

Again sorry for my terrible Grammer and writing skills

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