are you sure

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Marinette couldn't believe what she just heard "w-what?"Adrien felt like she might reject him "are you sure you want me" she said so quietly he looked up at her "marinette you who is kind beautiful ,wonderful ,strong you were my first love and second why wouldn't I be sure" she went silent then spoke "yes..." he felt his spirit leaves his body for a moment then he laughed and ran up to her picking up marinette and spun her around the room "marinette I love you so much" he laughed this was the best moment of his life then he felt a sinking feeling his dad adrien need to talk to his father he knew his dad wouldn't accept this and adrien was willing to leave his father and go down his own path adrien doesn't want to be like his own father "marinette" he put her down she looked at him in question "we need to tell my father and he might disagree" he felt dry saying this "Why would h-" adrien cut her off "chloe proposed a marriage to make the company bigger, I said I needed time because I loved you but wasn't sure if yo-" Marinette put her finger to his lips " it okay you don't need to explain" her voice was calm "adrien I said yes and I won't be leaving you anytime soon" adrien felt a little more relief knowing she was beside him "now about destrey...."her voice wonders off adrien wasn't sure how the boy would react but he knew things wouldn't be easy adrien sighed "let's tell him together" marinette nodded in response "I will go get him" with that she left to get destrey.

Sorry for bad grammar

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