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Adrien grabbed her hand and she turned "adrien?" She asked sounding alittle startled, adrien had so much to say to her but couldn't get the words out, like how much he missed her and how much he loves her but those words wouldn't come out because he was very conflicted between her and ladybug, even after five years those emotions stayed the same to make things worse marinette has a child to a man he doesn't know, he wanted to be a dad so badly to fix the wrongs of his own father in him but at the same time if he was a dad he couldn't be chat noir who was his freedom. Marinette removed her hand from his grasp "goodnight adrien " she said very softly and walked into the house with the boy waddling along. Adrien was now alone waiting for something but nothing came so he walked back but during his walk it started to rain "just great " he grumbled the rain added to his pain, then he remember marinette would probably react better if he was chat noir he saw a ally way and ran towards it "plagg claws out" plagg sighed but listen adrien had turn in to chat noir and he was jumping on roof to roof and finally was on Marine went balcony and he did his normal routine he went to knock on the window but stopped he saw destrey playing with a firetruck ,chat had smiled at destrey but then frowned he had a feeling he would scare the boy with his chat noir outfit backing out last minute he went to jump back up on the roof but he heard destrey open the door to the balcony he pointed at him and back at himself "we wear the same clothes" chat laughed at the boy but then realized the boy wasn't joking the clothes were the same but the only difference was destrey's was bigger and softer then Chats who was skin tight leather
But the small details were the same chat smiled at the thought of marinette making destrey clothes well thinking about him chat bent down and ruffles destrey's hair "can you give your mom message for me?" Destrey smiled at the mention of his mom "message to mama Kay! " he squeaks in joy chat laughs "tell her to meet me at 10pm tomorrow " chat winked at the boy but destrey stopped smiling and looked down the ground "I won't lose" said destrey then looked up and a little stronger repeating the words chat was shocked "w-what?" He stuttered "I love mama and mama is pretty I will marry mama because I'm the only one she needs" chat felt like something kicked him in the stomach this boy felt the need to protect his mom from him"please just give her my message please" the boy nodded and walked back into the room chat closed it after the boy was in. Chat jumped off the balcony and ran home he felt his eyes stinging he saw the boy have such determination in his eyes showed that he felt the need to love and protect those close to him no wonder destrey felt threaten to him as chat and adrien.
he sighed when he had made it back to his own house he transformed back to normal and he walked in, the house was empty adrien walked up the stairs to his room letting plagg out if his bag plagg flew around the room adrien grabbed the cheese plagg like and fed him.adrien felt sick he knew the feeling of not having a dad around or having a dad that doesnt care he sighed once again letting all the emotions go it hurt to watch marinette go to make it worse he let her go and probably did the same with ladybug ,adrien closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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Bad grammar I'm so sorry

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