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Adrien waited with destrey on his lap he was panicking but he needed to keep destrey calm so he would hum a song his mom would sing to him and not long after destrey fell asleep.a man who was very tall had walked out and toward them "you're here for ms. marinette?" Adrien nodded "is she okay did something happen?" He was babbling the tall man hushed him "she's fine just a concussion and and a twisted ankle other than that she's fine" adrien felt tears threatening to fall "thank god" he whispered "she's awake do you want to meet with her?" The man asks adrien just stood up and the man laughs and takes them to her room adrien looked around the place it was covered in children pictures he laughs softly thinking marinette has a room full of drawing by destrey, the man stops room 45 and opens the door adrien rushes in "MARINETTE!" He cries she was sitting up smiling "adrien!" He let the tears fall "I was so worried" marinette grabbed adrien's hand and moved it to her cheek "I'm still here" then she grabbed destrey and put him on her lap letting the boy sleep "it's been a long day" she laughs softly adrien kissed her softly then asks"where should we go?" Marinette was confused then it hit her "let's go back to new york, we can make a company " she said adrien almost forgot marinette makes clothes and he smiled " I guess I would need to model those huh?" He let his inner chat come out her face went beet red "y-you don't have to if you don't want to" she stuttered adrien laughed hard "I would love to help you" the two laughed for a long time Making plans for the future.
An hour later

Marinette ' s parents rushed in once they heard the news and chloe ' s dad came to apologize for his daughter and payed for the bill .Ayla and nino came running in after the mayor left Ayla asked so many questions and marinette and adrien answered everything. destrey was wake at this point and was just clinging to marinette. Everyone had left except adrien and destrey, destrey started to apologize his parents were confused and worried "I could protect you mama" he sounded reject and weak marinette smiled weakly "it's okay" adrien cut in "papa should have saved her, you did your best" he sounded embarrassed destrey smiled but his tears fell down "next time I will be stronger and save mama and papa from danger" the two adults stared at him for awhile then hugged him. After a couple hours in the hospital marinette was able to leave and go home with her family, marinette and adrien planned to go back to new york and kick start a new company marinette also told adrien he should be a physics teacher and help with modeling once in awhile because she has other models she could use. Adrien wanted to get married in Paris so they planned everything out.
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I was planning on making adrien/chat suffer alittle bit more but decided against it because I hurt him enough he deserves to be happy ....I'm going to have so much fun writing the next chapter ☺☺☺

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