the fight for love

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After a bit marinette comes back with destrey, adrien stared at the boy now realizing that the boy has alot of the same traits, marinette put destrey on the edge of the bed destrey was confused of why his mom brought him upstairs "destrey...." marinette said biting her lip "remember when I was talking to you about my partner?" She asked destrey tilted his head slightly and made a thinking face but just like a light bulb went off he smiles and nods "my partner is your father" destrey didn't say anything so marinette carried on "and my partner is adrien" she pointed at adrien ,both adult where worried because the child hadn't said anything adrien walked towards destrey and kneed down "destrey I want you to know I want to be your dad" adrien said very calmly marinette continues "baby, we both love you very much and I know this is going be very difficult for you-" destrey started to cry he wasn't upset he was the opposite he was happy. he had a dad and a mom that loved him to make things better he had always wanted to meet his dad but he was worried because at the time his mom hadn't said anything and was afraid of rejection, destrey never pushed her knowing she would do it once she had a chance "D-destrey?" Adrien stuttered afraid he was going to reject him "PAPA!!!" those words destroy every doubt he had he hugged destrey and cried "I will be with you and your mom I will protect you two tell the end" adrien kept making promises and destrey would just hiccup or murmurs papa. Marinette hug both of them she cried out of relief then destrey wiping his tears asked " will you live with mama?" Adrien felt a little warm and laughed "of course" he kisses destrey's forehead the boy bubbles a giggle "adrien" it was marinette and he turned "now it's your dad" she said "yea" he got up and hugged her "let's bring destrey he can't reject this if I have a kid" marinette didn't really want to but she knew it was a better chance of them Winning so she nodded "destrey come on we are going" she said in a slightly nervous voice destrey nodded and jumped off the bed and marinette picked him up.the three walked downstairs and left the building too adrien ' s house they walked because adrien doesn't have his divers licenses and marinette doesn't have her car when walking destrey reached out to adrien, adrien grabbed his hand the boy giggled and let go of his hand .finally they made it to adrien's house, adrien took a step forward and open the door letting marinette and his child in "woah" said destrey adrien heard marinette giggle at him adrien grabbed marinettes hand and tightens "lets go" adrien guided them to his father's study and knocked on the door.

_- _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - sorry for bad grammar

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