my baby ,my lady

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Destrey was sitting on the corner of the bed swinging his feet he was waiting for his mama come back. He knew she had a job and he love to see her transform and to protect those around her ,destrey wishes to do the same expect he wanted to help his mom like her partner back in the day she told him so many story of her and him fighting akuma destrey heard a thump and ran to the window door "MAMA"HE cries with glee ladybug opens the door and hugs him "I'm home " she laughs softly then she transformed back to herself "sorry I left you alone for so long " she said destrey just smiled he didn't care his mama will always be his mama and when he is older he will be the one who protects her"are you hungry?" Marinette asks destrey nodded no "mama a man wearing the same outfit as me was here he had a mask and kitty ears" marinette froze "w-what?" She stuttered destrey continued "he had a message 10pm tomowwow" he said having trouble with saying a word, marinette smiled but destrey knew this smile it was the worried smile so he grabbed her leg and didn't let go tell she felt better "mama who was that man?"He asked innocently marinette took a breathe then told destrey "he's my partner and your..."she swallow the rest of her words destrey stared at her "my what?" He asked marinette felt her eyes starts to sting but no tears she tried to crack a smile " honey, I will tell you later It's time for bed" she replies avoiding the subject, destrey just nodded and marinette picks up destrey and take off his clothes then put on his pj's and marinette did the same and put her pj's on she lay down on the bed with destrey in her arms she kissed his forehead and sing him a lullaby and watched him fall asleep and not after that she fell asleep.

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