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Adrien took a breath In and knocked "father" he called out it was silent then the door opened and there was standing Gabriel he didn't say anything ,so adrien started "dad we need to talk" Gabriel stared at him then at marinette his eyes lowered to the boy in her arms and glared at him "come in" he said coldly the three walked in following Gabriel the man sat down at his desk "what do you want?" He sounded like he was talking to a dog "the proposal that chloe gave I......I reject it" adrien was going against his father for the first time Gabriel face twisted in anger "what!" His voice boomed making destrey cling to marinette for dear life adrien cleared his throat "father I know you don't agree with this bu-" Gabriel cut him off "is because of this woman you brought with here " marinette jumped at the mention of herself "do you feel bad because she's a single mom or is-" adrien lost his temper "FATHER! Do not talk to my future wife like this!" Gabriel jumped adrien has never lashed out on him " you dare do something with out my approval!" Gabriel yelled back at this point destrey started cry he was scared "shut that damn child up" marinette face went red not out of embarrassment but anger "you have no right to speak to our child like that, if your son doesn't want to be married to chloe he doesn't have to" Gabriel face twisted in disgust "I bet you seduced him to get money" marinette slapped Gabriel "how dare you!" Adrien was shocked his father vs marinette was like watching two gods fight marinette gave destrey to adrien then she pointed at Gabriel "I left five years ago when I found out I was pregnant with his child your son was my first I'm not a whore and I don't appreciate you accusing me of being one why don't you sit your ass down and we will talk like damn adults" she swore so adrien covered destrey's ears Gabriel was at a loss for words he sat down "your a feisty one" he said with an unusual voice marinette turn to see adrien comforting destrey "Mr. Gabriel I love your son and he is the father of my son if you wish for a test I will gladly give that to you" she said with total confidence Gabriel sighed "adrien you don't know what you want,what would your mother think" adrien lost his cool "don't you dare pull that card on me! mom is gone and I know I want to be with my son and marinette you can't change that if you won't accept that I will leave this family I don't care if you disown me!I love them and I won't waste my time with someone who doesn't care" Gabriel was in shock "fine if that's how you want it to be the let it be" adrien nodded and takes marinettes' hand and walked out the study destrey had stopped crying he was just sniffling " sorry buddy" adrien said softly the boy wanted down he wanted to walk so adrien puts him down it was quite adrien sees chloe wait near the stairs smiling "you made your decision?" She asked snobby "yea and I'm leaving with marinette and my son" chloe ' s face went red "WHAT!!" She snapped marinette was walking with destrey down the stairs and chloe made a spilt decision and pushed marinette and she fell hard adrien's face paled and he screamed "MARINETTE!!" he saw destrey stand there frozen he started to sob "MAMA!" Adrien threw chloe to the wall "you stay away from me and my family if I see you near us it will end bad for you!" He growled he let go and ran towards marinette "marinette,oh god please be okay" he whispered she wasn't moving he grabbed his phone and called 911 destrey was confused and scared "m-mama" he would call out adrien held him "she's going to be okay " he murmurs and kisses destrey's forehead soon the ambulance came in and took marinette to the hospital and took adrien's statement then took them in the back of the ambulance with marinette.
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Sorry for bad grammar
I don't like chloe but this made me feel bad because I made her worse then she really is

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