he's yours

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Her voice sounded weak but serious chat leaned on the railing he wasn't going to make a joke so he kept a staight face "mari-" he couldn't even finish before she start to cry "I'm sorry,I'm so sorry" she was sobbing hard chats eyes widen "p-princess w-what wrong" he felt all the confidence dissappear he felt like I'm his heart dropped "destrey...." she said the she swallowed the words "what?" He asked now he was worried what happened to him is he okay "the boy is he okay, did something happen?"He sound worried "no,no he's fine,but destrey father" she started again but chat cut her off "he's in new York right? That's why you left" his voice came out colder then it should of "oh god, chat no listen to me please I know it's going to be alot to take in but listen" her voice sound like she was losing air very quickly "when I left for new York it was because I found out I was pregnant and I panicked because......" she stopped and took a breath "the baby is yours and not knowing who you where made things worse so I left thinking I could handle it b-but I knew I had to tell you" she cried harder chat felt time stop "wait, destrey. ...he's mine" chat felt a sudden heartbreak and he cried he was so happy but was so upset not being in destrey's life for so long the two just stood there crying chat finally made a movement he put his hands in her hair then her face moving it up towards him and he kissed her she stiffened but then relaxed the two let their emotions take over, the kiss was long then they separated marinette looked down "who are you chat?" Chat laughed awkwardly "promise you won't freak out?" Marinette nodded "can I come in I don't want people to see me" she opened the door and let him in he was about to take his ring off "Wait!Before you do that" chat stopped "your telling me your identity I should do the same right?" Chat looked at her confused "t-tikki" she called out the little bug flew out chats face went pale but then colored returned to it he laughs hard "w-what!?" She stuttered he took off his ring and adrien was right in front of her "I guess we fell in love with each other twice" marinette cried but she was laughing adrien hugged her "will you let me be his dad?" He asked marinette looked at him "is that what you want?" She asked anwsering his question adrien smiled and got down on his knee "marinette will you marry me".

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Sorry for my terrible Grammer

I will try to update the next chapter as fast as I can but I have a bunch of tests so we will see.

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