five years

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It's been five years since she left Paris marinette herself had changed alot her pigtails were now a bun, she wore a black work skirt and a white shirt with a black vest over top. marinette had made plans to go back tonight with her not so little anymore bundle of joy "mama?" Marinette turned to the little boy sitting beside her,he had chubby cheeks and bright blue eyes,His hair was a beautiful color of a honey blonde with a little mix of her own blue hair and he was wearing his mother's home made cat onies"what is it destrey?"she answered the little boy got out of his seat and jumped up and down "mama we go on plane" he said in broken english marinette smiled and picked him up "are you excited?" She asked destrey smiled he definitely had his dad's smile marinette thought to herself ,destrey giggled "tikki!" He yells out of no where, marinette gets all flustered and puts him down "shh remember that's a secret" the boy blinks then realizes what he had done "sworry mama and tikki" he felt guilty so he sat still only moving his legs marinette ruffles his hair "mama's not mad" destrey looked up at his mom "really?" He said very gently marinette smiled "yup" destrey hugged her. Their flight was called and marinette grabbed her bags and told destrey to follow her ,the boy smiled and grabbed his little bag and follow her to the plane. It was a long flight to Paris thank goodness destrey was very good and fell asleep as soon as the plane was in the air. tikki flew out of her pocket and landed on destrey's shoulder "you raised him good marinette" tikki moved his bangs out f his face ,marinette who was looking out the window turn to look at tikki " yea he is such a good boy" marinette said with such sad eyes "you need to tell him " Marinette knew that but it still scared her "yea" she mumbled destrey moves a bit making tikki fly back into her pocket. The boy whimpers a bit and marinette soothes him with a little lullaby she made sure she was quite and only destrey could hear and it worked destrey had stopped whimpering but he did grabbed on to marinette ' s hand . finally the plane had landed marinette needed to carry destrey out of the plane because he was out like a light and had to carry their bags out ,but thank god a man offered to help carry her bags the man and marinette walked to the front to wait for Ayla but it seems Ayla was waiting for her marinette pointed at her and the man nodded "AYLA!" she yelled Ayla heard her and ran towards her and the man "marinette!" She said super excited then turned to the man and both girls thanked him for his help and he nodded and went off. "Oh my god marinette he has grown so big" Ayla was fangirling over destrey "and he's wearing a cat onies!" She squealed destrey woke up at that ,he rubbed his eyes and looked around then turned to see his mama and smiled "hey buddy!" Ayla called out destrey turned to see her "auntie Ayla! " Ayla did a little sqrim action " welcome home sweetie" destrey struggled he wanted down ,marinette sighed and put him down he ran in circles around Ayla repeating Ayla's name the two girls laughed at him marinette grabbed destrey's hand and took him to Ayla's car and buckled him in and then helped Ayla with her bags. Ayla took marinette and destrey to marinette ' s parents house for a bit and marinette talked with them and let them fond over destrey it would have lasted longer but Ayla wanted to show off destrey to nino. they went off to a cafe,found a table and sat down marinette put destrey on her lap letting him play with the cake they ordered after waiting a couple minutes nino came around the block Ayla waved him over and nino ran Over to them with a person behind him "brought someone along if you don't mind"
The person popped his head over nino's shoulder marinette eyes widen "adrien?"

Sorry for terrible Grammar

The name destrey I couldn't figure out a name so I searched up boy names and scrolled down and whatever name my mouse landed on I used.

Also I didn't really feel like writing about marinette ' s time in new York and how she raised him so 5 year time skip

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