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Marinette felt herself staring at the model for far to long so she turned her focus to nino who was talking to Ayla who than offered them to sit down the boys sat down "marinette is this the little guy Ayla was talking about" nino said in a baby voice marinette smiled and nodded "isn't he the cutest thing ever look at his kitty onies!" Ayla cheered destrey looked up with a mess face and gave a grin then stared at adrien and glared at him, adrien jumped back at the random change in this kids mood but again he was also shocked to see the boy in general the boy turned away from him and smiled at ayla "you guys need to stop leaving me out of the circle " adrien sighed nino laughed "sorry man" alya was making baby faces to destrey "so marinette who is this little guy? Are you taking care of him for a friend?" Adrien asked Ayla stopped making faces at destrey and stared at him then back at marinette, marinette had gone a little red "ah,um ,no, he's mine "was all she could muster out adrien felt his body go numb "o-oh?" He said confused nino cuts in "Mamarinette is a mama" adrien turned to the boy "who's the dad?" He asked the question was like pouring salt on a wound and adrien had realized that when she made a face "oh! You don't need to answer that" he yelled in a panic marinette ' s face went back to normal "thanks " she mumbles he looks closer to destrey but get cut off by Ayla making the baby faces again at the child who was giggling. Marinette looked at her phone then grabbed a napkin and wiped destrey's face and got up with him still in her arms " I have to go it's getting late" the couple nodded but adrein stood up "I will walk you home! " he pretty much yelled marinette smiled and agreed to him taking her home. The two walked away from the cafe to marinette ' s parents house "it's been a while" adrien started off the coversation ,marinette who was holding her little boy smiled "yea, I almost forgot how pretty it is here" adrien laughs at the statement "well it has been five years" she laughs softly at him"mama" calls out destrey, marinette starts to hum and she twirls him making her heals click when she made a stop, destrey laughs at the action and adrien laughs at her remembering his dad used to do that when he was younger then he frowned at the thought of his dad "adrien are you okay?" Marinette ' s voice made him jump "uh,yea I was just thinking, sorry if I worried you" his voice cracked marinette had a worried smile adrien felt terrible that he made her worry .marinette had stopped suddenly " thanks for walking me home adrien" adrien looked up to see marinette 's parents house right in front of him, he felt the walk was too quick.he saw marinette put destrey down and hold his hand then walk to the door, he knew that he needed to say something so he ran to marinette and grabbed her free hand "wait!".

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Again sorry for my terrible Grammer
Also I'm thinking of making a drawing of destrey when I have the chance because looking back I didn't do a very good job describing him.

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