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Adrien heard his alarm go off he got up to turn it off but it seems that his caretaker did it instead of him "adrien your father wants you to go to his study" and with that she left, adrien sighed and got out of yesterday's clothes and in to new ones then walked out to his father's study then knocked on the door "come in" said his father's cold emotionless voice adrien opened the door and walked in to see chloe sitting down in a chair and his father standing by the window "sit down" he ordered adrien nodded and sat down in the chair beside chloe , chloe had a smug look on her face like she was planning something "adrien,chloe has proposed an offer" his father said starting the meeting "she will make the company bigger if you take her hand in marriage" adrien couldn't breath he felt like throwing up chloe giggled "father may I have time to consider this request" adrien tried to keep his voice from cracking chloe looked shocked "what!" She yelled ,adrien ' s father looked at his son "I will give you a week no longer" his voice was like a gunshot to adrien 's stomach he need to leave this house so he calmly left his father's study closed the door and he ran not looking back he opened his front doors and ran outside he kept running not sure where he was going but wherever he was going was better than that house he found his feet stopping in front of a bakery to make things worse it was marinettes parents bakery he felt his heart sink when he couldn't see her in the bakery but his heart Had fluttered when he heard her golden laugh he ran around the bakery to see marinette playing tag with destrey ,the boy was wearing blue pants and a red t-shirt well she was wearing a white shirt with purple shorts she was chasing destrey around and when catching him she would lift him in the air making the boy laugh adrien watched her for a long time finally destrey had tired out and was on the lawn laying down marinette sat down in a tree stump then she saw adrien who was intranced with her "adrien when did you get here?" She asked adrien jumped at her noticing him "ah,um, I-I was near so came to check on you" he stuttered marinette laughed "come on then play with us" destrey got up with so much random energy and played with adrien. At first adrien and destrey were a little rocky but soon they looked like they where father and son and marinette looked like a wife watching her husband and son play later she joined in the three played all day but then it turn dark and they said their goodbye. Adrien made it look like he was walking back home but he didn't need to go very far because it was almost ten and he need to talk with her about everything like who was the father? was he a good man? What happend to the father? Did she leave because of the father? Adrien felt like he would explod with questions when he met her as chat but today started out bad but ended up great playing with destrey and marinette, he felt like he belonged there finally the clock hits ten and he transforms to chat going back to her balcony and knock on the door marinette open the door but closed it behind her he stared at her big blue eyes he almost got lost in them now realizing how much he missed meeting her like this "chat I need to tell you something" marinette said breaking the silence.

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I'm sorry for my bad grammar

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