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3 Months later

Marinette was in her wedding gown she looked so beautiful her hair was down she had a crown on her head. Her dress had a Chinese look to it with a beautiful diamond rose pin one her chest. Marinette looked in the mirror and stared at her reflection then the door opens and runs in destrey he was wearing a tiny tux with cat ears marinette sighed adrien must have given him those marinette picked up destrey "hey buddy" the boy giggled "mama is pretty" marinette laughed "do you think papa will like it?" Destrey thought for a moment then laughed again "of course papa always says your purrfect" marinette twitch alittle only out of habit "honey please no cat puns they bug me" she replied destrey got the pun and laughed harder. Ayla runs in the room "destrey!!!" She yelled "you can't run off like that" she grabbed destrey from marinette then grinned "oh he's going to be all flustered" and walked out marinette looked at the time is was 3pm and it was time for her to go she opened the door and walked.

Adrien p.o v

Adrien felt so nervous he never though he would ever marry the girl of his dreams but here he is standing in the hallway panicking he walked back and fourth all of a sudden he got a random idea and ran back to the dressing room "plagg claws out"

Marinette p.o.v

She made it to the room with out face planting that's all that matters she opened the doors and didn't see her fiance but still walked down the aile "he must be late " she muttered when she made it to the front she panicked did he have cold feet she wondered her mind started to think negative so did everyone else but then she hears a voice " princess don't look so sad" Marinette looked up so did everyone else and there was chat noir grinning down at her with a very playful grin he jumped down " marinette I chat noir will be there for you through hells fire" marinette slapped her own cheeks making chat jump "tikki,spots on" her wedding dress turned red and spots appeared the dress length went to her knees everyone in room gasps " my lady" destrey runs towards them clinging on to chat, chat picks him up and puts him on his shoulders "hold on" he tell destrey then picks up marinette "marinette will you be with me no matter what" she laughs "i do" and they kissed then chat noir jumped out the church making the guests confused "i knew it!" Ayla yelled "haha nino you owe me 20 bucks" nino sighed and pulled it out of his wallet.

On some building

Chat placed the two on a building which was safe for destrey ladybug puts down her little boy and let's him walk on the roof and she grabs chat noir and kisses him the two had a long makeout and destrey didn't seem to care he was looking out at the city that one day like his parent protect it "oh i forgot to tell you two " ladybug said with a gleefully tone the boys turned "what is it buggett" she sighed but carried on " I'm pregnant,again" she smiled the two froze "WHAT!"they yelled at the same time "I'm going to be a big brother?" Destrey asks ,chat just started to bawl he was going to have another beautiful child and it was going to be a great family "yup" said ladybug destrey ran towards her and put his hands on her stomach "I don't feel a baby" he said confused his parents laughed "don't worry you will soon" chat picked ladybug up and swug her around and hugged her then let her down swooping up destrey in his arms "do you want a brother or a sister? " chat asked wiping his tears "it doesn't matter I will love them either way" he said calmly "that's good" ladybug said. A big growling sound came out of nowhere ladybug laughed "hungry?" The boys nodded and they jumped of the roof an transformed back taking destrey to a restaurant "marinette?" Adrien called out "yes?"she replied "thank you" he kisses her " you make me the happiest person alive".

12 years later

A 17 year old boy was standing on a roof he had honey blonde hair with streaks of blue and beautiful blue eyes he stood there and called out "plagg claws out" the boy turned to see a 12 year old girl in a red jumpsuit with spots on it she had blue hair with blonde bangs her hair was in a ponytail and she had light green eyes "big brother you ready?" She asked he grinned "hell yea!" The two where known as chat noir and ladybug the new generation the sibling duo that took on their parents job once they retired "what do you think is for dinner" the girl asked " have no clue but mom says we need milk and it's your turn to buy it" the two Landed on the ground and hid transforming back "destrey that's no fair!" The girl whined "too bad rya" destrey laughed at rya pouting to the store buying milk and coming out still pouting "let's go" destrey held his hand out "I will carry the milk" he said rya handed it to him and they walked home "we are home!" The two yelled they see their parents are sleeping on the couch so destrey decided to make dinner for tonight their parents didn't wake up till the house started to smell good their mom stretched and their dad yawned "welcome home " they had a huge smile when the food was on the table the family all sat around the table the two siblings waited for their parents to talk about their times as ladybug and chat noir their mom smiled "oh, I have a good one it how I met your father and how you two became to be, it's starts like this" the family would talk for hours about this story and laugh ,cry and laugh again after the story was over the rya turned on the radio and there was an akuma attack destrey jumped up and ran towards the door with rya behind him "be safe!" The parents yelled the kids transformed and nodded "we will" they called back destrey and Rya's parents watched them go "they kinda Remind me of us at that age adrien" the wife said adrien laughed "yea they do marinette" the couple fell asleep on the couch again.

The end

__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Not sure if I ended it good but you know what I think I did okay ☺

Thanks for reading and as always sorry for my terrible Grammer

I want to thank all the supportive people who have given me nothing but positive comments and that is just be completely honest I was really nervous posting my fanfic because I forget to put in grammar all the thank you ❤❤

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