Chapter 1

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Hi this is my first time writing a fan fiction so please don't judge. Now lets start the storie
(Amy's P.O.V)

My mom woke me up around 7am to get ready for school. "Come on Amy we don't have time for this the bus will be hear in 15 minutes,"she said trying to wake me up. I looked over at my alarm clock that never went off. My eyes widened. "WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER,"I yelled jumping out of bed a geting ready for school. "I did and you said you would get up but when I came back I found you asleep,"she said. "Sorry," I murmured. I got ready for school and ran to the bus. It was about to leave but stoped when the bus driver saw me. I quickly ran inside and sat down in an empty seat. I pulled out my phone and began reading the Fairy Tail manga. It's my favorite anime ever. The show is just as good as the manga.

(30 minutes later)

The bus stoped at my highschool and I headed to the library to read until it was time to go to class. I walked in and saw the librarian wasn't there. Thats weird. She's always here in the morning. I sat down at a table and continued the read my manga on my phone. Then all of a sudden the was a bright light coming from the slef. It was one of the books. I grabed it and opened the book. The light was so bright, I couldn't even see. The suddenly I started to feel weak. I soon fell to the ground and started to black out. I then fell asleep.L Whats happening?

I still don't know how long I am going to make these chapters. I hope you enjoyed the first chaper of stuck in fairy tail.

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