Chapter 4 S-Class Trials part 1

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Hi I decided that I would let amy be part of the S-class trials as the first part of the story. So I hope you enjoy this chapter.
(Amy's P.O.V.)

I woke up and got dressed in the same outfit I wore yesterday. I decided that this will be the outfit I wear every day. I did my hair and headed twards the guild.

*Time Skip*

Once I got to the guild I saw everyone fighting for jobs and Lucy on the ground, terrified. "Hey Mira is it time for the S-class trials," I ask her. "Ya, how did you know," she answers. "That doesn't matter right now. Do you know were the master is I need to speak with him," I ask her. She points to the master's office. I go and knock on the door. "Come in," he say as I open the door. He seems surprised to see me. "Master there something I need to talk to you about," I say. After explaining everything that happens he tells me to come to the S-Class trials but not as a participant. I agree and then tell him that I will make sure everyone will be okay.

*Time Skip*

It was time for the master to announce the participants for the       S-class trials. "The participants are Natsu, Gray, Juvia, Elfman, Cona, Freed, Levy, and Mest," he yelled. This was way more exciting in really life than in the anime. "Some of you will be going to fight S-class wizards. But, since we only have three at the moment I have decided that Amy will be helping out this year," he said with a smile on his face, looking at me. I returned the smile. Natsu looked at me with a smirk on his face. He walked up to me. "I can't wait to fight you again," he hollard. Gray came up next to him with a face that said, "you idiot," but Natsu was in his own little world. "You would think he would have learned his lesson by now," he said. Natsu heard thatvand got angry. "Oh ya ice stripper, you want to go," he said to Gray. "You bet it, pyro," by now there heads were touching and Erza was walking over to them. "Would you to liked to get disqualified form the S-class trials before they even start," she said with a scary face. "No," they say in sync. We sat down at one of the tables and started to talk about the trials. I looked around and saw Gajeel super mad. I walked ip to him. "You okay," I ask
"No, how come salamander get the chance to be an S-class wizard but I can't," he says.
"Mabey your not that trustworthy," Lily says.
"That's right. Panther-lily joined the guild after everything happened with Gajeel," I say.
"Know about what," lily ask
"Well, before Gajeel joined fairytail he was part of a guild called phantom lord and they attacked fairy tai-,"
"HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS STUFF," Gajeel interrupts me.
"I know everything," I told him while walking away. He was so confused. I decided to go home and call it a night. In a week I will be going to fight Grimoire Heart

*Another Time Skip*(on week later)

It was the day of the S-class trials and i was on the island waiting for the others to get hear. I was in serenity route which was now one of the intense combat route because I was hear. The master told me to hold back and use only one type of magic. I decided to use sky dragon slayer magic. I sat there for 30 minutes waiting for Gajeel and Levy. Finally they came. When Gajeel saw me he was ready to brawl. "I've been waiting to fight you ever since you walked through the door," he said with a smirk on his face. "Shall we get started,"I said. He came runing at me "iron dragon club". I dodge it. Now it's my turn.
"Sky draon wing attack." He was in udder shock.
"She can use more than one dragon slayer magic,"he yelled.
"Don't worry, I'm only going to use one and I was told to hold back," I say. He didn't really care as long as he could fight me. He smiled. Why is he smiling? Wait where is Levy!!
"Solid scrip fire," it hit me from behind.
"Iron dragon roar!"
"Sky dragon roar!" The two attacks hit each other but non really did anything. "You both pass. Your teamwork is amazing and your attacks are powerfull, good luck on the other trials," I say. Levy smiles, but Gajeel looks angry.
"No way am I ending it hear fight me until someone falls," he says while Levy is face palming.
"It seems that you don't know when an opponent is stronger than you," I said as a giant dark aora of magic power was around me. His eyes were wide with fear as the ground was shaking a bit. For some reason I felt as if this wasn't my full power.
"I e-except defeat," he says completely
terrified. Levy is also really scared. The magic power that was around me then vanished.
"You guys pass now go on and become an S-class wizard levy," i said,"and you Gajeel need to think more about your team. You could have cost por Levy the chance to become an S-class wizard." He looks down at he ground ashamed of him self. All three of us head to the meeting area where the master would tell everyone the second part of the trial.
Hi i hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next chapter will be going soon. Bye             

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