Chapter 3

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Hi It's me. This is what Amy looks like
By the way I did not make this i got it off the internet because I can't draw😥
Hope you enjoy this chapter

(Amy's P.O.V)

Everyone was surprised that the salamander had been defeated. Then out of no where Natsu wales up and runs to me. "How did you beat me." To be honest I didn't know how to answer the question. Luckily Gageel came in and wanted to fight me. "Ya know you couldn't even beat Natsu so why are you try to fight me," I asked with a smirk on my face. "HOW THE HECK DO YOU KNOW THAT," he started yelling while Natsu was laughing. "Just remember this, I know everything," I said in a mysterious way. He was so confused. It looked like his brain was about to explode. Natsu was in the same situation. "Well i think thats enough craziness for today. Levy take Amy to her room in Fairy Hills," the master said. Levy was already on it and I was following behind her with my backpack.

10 Minutes Later

I walked in to my new bedroom it was pretty roomy. It had a blue couch, a light blue and black bed,(if you had not noticed it, the character likes the color blue) a closet, and a door. I opened the door to find that I had a giant bathroom. There was a big tub, a shower, a sink and a toilet(of course). I took a bath in the tube and put on clothes that were in my backpack. I wore a white and black shirt,(in the media ⬆) with a white jacket, a white skirt and black combat boots. When I looked in the mirror I saw that my eyes were purple my second favorite color. I started to look around the town to see what stores and shops there were. After about an hour of exploring I head back home, put my pj's on and head to bed.

At the guild

(Natsu's P.O.V.)

I was about to head home after being defeated by the new girl. Now that I think of it she was a fire dragon slayer. MABEY SHE KNOWS WHERE IGNEAL IS. I should go ask her about it. I run to fairy hills and go to her room. I knock on the door but there was no answer so I knock even harder and then hear someone yelling, "I'm coming ."

(Amy's P.O.V.)

I was dreaming of a little girl that looks a lot like me with a blue and purple dragon. I wonder who that girl and the dragon were. Then all of a sudden I hear a loud knocking noise. "I'm coming," I yell, geting out of bed to go to the door. I open the door to find Natsu there. "Do you need something," I ask.

"Kinda, can we talk."

"Sure what do you want to talk about at thus hour," I ask sitting next to him on the couch.

"Well you a fire dragon slayer so I thought if you knew a dragon named Igneal or mabey know where he is,"he says with a sad face.

"Sorry Natsu. I'm an infinite dragon slayer which means I can use all types of dragon slayer magic. I've never even met him so I can't help you. I just found out about being a dragon slayer yesterday." He looks at me with a weird face that says "are you drunk." I explain everything to him except the part about fairy tail being an anime. "Wow that's crazy," he say's concerned. After that he leaves and I fall asleep.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and next chapter will be longer.

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