Chapter 8

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Hi I back. Don't worry, this is going to be a long chapter. To apologize for how short the last chapter was and I have the whole weekend to do this so lets get started.
(Amy's P.O.V.)

I can hear voices. But I don't really recognize the voices. Then I see a little girl. The one I always dream of. She's playing with a dragon. She calls it Mommy. Then it hit me. The little girl looked exactly like me. It's like a small version of me. It is me. But as a little girl. Then I see that the dragon is using magic and disappears. There's a bright light around the girl, or should I say me. I disappears. Mabey that's how I ended up in the normal world. Then a figure of a person starts to come closer to the cave me and the dragon were. Just as I was about to see who it was everything turns to darkness. Then my eyes open to find that I'm in an infirmary.
"What happened," I say as I notice the people around me.
"You were learning to dance but Erza got you and spun you like a record," Grey said. Then it all came back to me. An anime vain appeared on my head.💢💢💢😡
"ERZA!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled as I came out of the room. She looked at me a little terrified.
"O-oh h-hey Amy. Hows it going?" she asks. Then five seconds me and Erza are in an all out brawl. "DANCING IS ABOUT SPIRIT. YOU JUST DIDN'T HAVE IT," she yells
"Amy it's okay we still have another day for you to learn to ball room dance," Lucy said trying to calm me down which was working.
"Erza if you calm down and apologize to Amy, I will buy you as many cakes as you want," Mira said.
We were both calm and made up. 'That was fast' everyone thought as we hugged. Lucy started to teach me to dance and I mastered it after an hour of practice. I went home packed my things for the job , finding a dress in the process. It was my favorite color. Blue. I packed the dress to. I'm going to wear it for the job. Now I don't have to go shoping for one.
I went to the bathroom to take a bath. I sat in the tub, surrounded by water. It was relaxing. After a while I got up and put on my pj's. I jumped into my bed and quickly drifted to sleep.

Next morning

I woke up, took a quick shower, got dressed, grabbed my stuff, and headed out to meet the team at the train station.


I got to the station to see Natsu and Grey fighting, Erza trying to stop them, Lucy acting like she doesn't know them, Warren talking to Wendy, and Elfman saying something about being a man. I chuckle at the sight and greet everyone. "Hi guys when does the train get here," I ask as everyones attention is on me.
"I two minutes," Lucy says as Natsu starts to leave the train station, hoping that know one will notice.
"No so fast Natsu," Erza said as a dark aura.
"Aye," he said. Then the train came and Erza had to pull a struggling Natsu inside while everyone else laughed.
Once we got on the train, everything started to get dizzy. For some reason I wasn't throwing up like Natsu. I just pasted out. Weird.


I opened my eyes to see that the train had stopped and we were geting off.
"Hey Amy, are you okay?" Grey asks,"you looked a little sick and had a small fever." That's new. To be honest, it's better than throwing up, like Natsu.
"Uh, yea. I guess I have a different type of motion sickness than Natsu," I said. We finally made it to the mansion. A beautiful girl answers the door.
"WOW, WHAT A FOX," he yelled in our heads.
"We're from fairy tail. Concerning the job request your father put up in our guild hall," Erza said.
The girl lead us to a room and sat down. Then her father came and sat on her lap and started talking.
"Hello fairy tail I am Count Balsonico." (I know I spelled it wrong please don't be mad)
"Wow this guy has a sour name," Natsu started.
"Any a sour face to match," Happy ended.
"DON'T SCREW THIS UP FOR ME," Lucy yelled. This is going to be a long night. Count explained everything and we started to get ready for the ball. I got dressed and put on the blue dress. I also put a blue rose with a purple ribbon going down. With blue highheels.
(Like the media but with the fairy tail mark)
I walked out of the little dressing room.
"Ready to get to work Lucy," I hear Erza say as I walk out.
"Wow Erza you are not playing around," Lucy says. Then Wendy comes out aaking if she look okay. Of course she looks adorable.
"Wow Amy you look so elegant,"I hear Lucy say.
"Really, it's just a random dress I had," I say.
"Alright, lets take our place on the dance floor," Erza said with a red aura around her. We came to the dance floor and saw the guys.
"I've set up lacramas around. Tell me if you see anything fishy," Warren tells us through his telepathy. Some guy walked up to Erza and called her an angel. He asked her to dance and I felt bad for him. Then some dude walked up to Lucy and asked her to dance and she accepted. I don't really want to dance so I get a drink and watch the people dance. I wayched as Natsu and Grey were forced to dance with two girls. A couple giys surrounded me, fighting over whi gets to dance with me.
"Sorry I don't feel like dancing so I'm just going to go," I said as I left the guys. A really pretty girl asked Elfman to dance and he gladly accepted. I spent most of my time trying to tell boy that I don't want to dance. Then Grey and Elfman switched partner's and Grey was in a battle until Erza stopped them. Then it was time. Time for the girl with the weird name to be engaged. She danced with Erza who still looked like a prince. Wendy was dancing with a boy. So cute. Then the clock struck midnight and every boy went for the ring. Then Velveno showed up and grabbed the ring by using her sky magic. I just watched. He fought Erza and Natsu then stopped fighting. He told gis story and proposed to the counts daughter. She accepted and everyone cheered. I just watched from a far. Then the party continued. I just stood there telling guys that I didn't want to dance with them. I don't like to dance with people I don't know.
Then Grey walked up to me.
"How come your not dancing," he said.
"I don't like to dance with people I don't know," I responded
"Then dance with me. You know me right. And you worked so had to learn to dance. You wouldn't want to waist all that time you spent," he said. I sighed in defeat and took his hand. All the other guys were pretty mad. I blushed and hoped the Grey didn't notice.
Dancing with Grey was like being in heaven. I didn't want it to end. Soon enough it did. He took me to the balcony and I gladly follow. The balcony was empty so we were alone. He then walked up to me and started to speak.

(Grey's P.O.V.)

I lead Amy to the balcony. The light of the moon shined on her purple eye's. She look beautiful. All the boy around her made me jealous. Then I started to speak. "I wanted to tell you something. I've liked you for a long time and want to ask if you would be my girlfriend. It's okay if you don't feel the same. I just wanted to tell you," I saw that she was a little surprised. Then she did something that I would never forget. She kissed me. I kissed back. That moment was amazing. It was like timed stopped. We stopped and looked at each other.
"I would love to be your girlfriend," she said. I was so happy. We started to leave when we noticed everyone from fairy tail had seen everything and were still watching.
"So you guys are official now," Elfman asked. We nodded and blushed.
"When we get back to the guild we'll tell everyone," I said. We got our reward and left.

(Amy's P.O.V.)

When we got on the train I sat down next to Grey. I leaned on him. He had his arm around me and pulled me close. Nobody asked any questions. How is Juvia going to react to this. The train started to move and I got dizzy again. Grey noticed and whispered so that only I could hear.
"Just go tp sleep and dont worry about anything." I nodded as the room got darker. Everything went black.

(Grey's P.O.V.)

I saw Amy fall asleep. She looked so pretty. So peace full. She had a slight fever so put my hand on her head and I used my ice magic to cool her off a bit. It looked like it was helping. I soon fell asleep next to her.

(Amy's P.O.V.)

Woke up next to Grey. I looked like he had just woken up also. We grabbed our stuff and headed to are homes. Me and Erza went to Fairy Hills. I got to my room and unpacked my stuff. I was still tired so I decided to take a nap. I layed on the bed and soon darkness took over.


I woke up in the afternoon so I headed to the guild. On my way there I started to think over what will happen in the future. I will go out to train till the grand magic games.

Once I opened the dorr to the guild, I was asked many questions.

"Is it true you and Grey are dating?"

"Yes." Juvia is starting to get ticked off.

"When did this happen?"

"On the last mission," I answered again. I started getting nervous when Grey pulled me close to him. His arm was around my waist. I was blushing.
"Love rival! HOW DARE YOU TAKE GREY AWAY FROM," Juvia yelled.
"Juvia, she's my girlfriend now. Please stop scaring her," Grey said as Juvia calmed down. I also calmed down. "So Amy, you wanna go on a date tonight. I made reservations at a restaurant," Grey said as we walked away from the guild.
"Sure," I say.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't worry, I will update as soon as possible. Bye.

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