Chapter 5 S-class trials part 2

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🎶Hello it's me🎶
Ya get it. Anyway the video has nothing to do with the chapter but I love watching fairy tail funny moments. This is grays funny moments so enjoy.
Amy's (P.O.V.)
We were at the meeting place with all the people that passed. "Wait, I don't get it. How the heck did Natsu beat Gildarts," Gray said. "He didn't. Gildarts said Natsu passed because ther was no way Natsu could beat him. Just like what I did with Levy and Gajeel. There teamwork was perfect and so was there strategy," I said while Natsu was sulking in the background.
"Listen up brats!" the master yelled, " the next part of the trials is to find the grave of master mavis," he continued while I was zoning out, thinking about how master told me not to interfere with what happens. I will help all that I can but I'm not allowed to stop aclonigia (I'm not sure how to spell it) from attacking the island with us on it. "Helloooooo, Amy are you still there," Natsu said. "Oh yeah sorry, I zoned out," I said. "Anyway good luck everyone and try your best to find the grave. Amy why don't you come with me," he said with a face that said, "be prepared for any attacks. I nodded and followed his to the grave. We sat there and waited for any sign of battle or action. "So who is the master of grimoire heart," he asked. "The second master of fairy tail," I said waiting for him to freak out. The weird thing is that he didn't. He just looked down as if he was sad. I kinda fell bad. His former master is now his enemy.
After about 10 minutes Erza put up the red flare. "Amy, go put and help the others," he said in a serious voice. I nodded and looked for the others. I came across Wendy, Mest, Lily, and Carla. Mest was against a rock and Lily had his fist on the rock and was interrogating Mest. "Why are you in fairy tail," Lily asked with a face that said, "tell me the truth or your dead." Before Mest got the chance to answer I answered the question.
"He is a spy from the magic counsel. He's here to find some dirt on fairy tail so are guild will be disbanded. His real name is Doranbolt and his magic can manipulate peolpes memorize and he can teleport. When you realize that there is magic affecting your memorize, it wheres off," I said. Everyone was truly suprised by the fact that I knew so much about him. "How did you know that," Doranbolt says, "did my spell where off already.
"Since you were never around the don't know this. I know everything that will happen I even knew that this attack was going to happen and I know how it will end," I said.
"The master told me not to say anything because that could ruin the future," I said. To my surprise, he actually understood.
Then Azuma showed. He destroyed the ships blah blah blah.
He walked up to me.
"Fight me?"He said.
"Go fight a tree or something," I said.

Mest's (P.O.V.)
She's going to make him angry. What is she doing? Wait!! She's distracting him so we could get away. I grab the two cats, Wendy and teleport them to safety. I then teleport to the ships. I hope everyone's okay.

Amy's (P.O.V.)

He looked like he was about to kill me. I couldn't help but laugh. "You will fight me or I will kill your friends," he was about to attack Wendy and the other when he noticed they were gone. The expression on his face was pure anger. Thats great.(note the sarcasm)😛
"Know you can't make me fight you. I don't have the time or patience to deal with you," I said. "Fire Dragon Roar," I yelled. He stoped the attack with explosions. I took this time to slip away. I ran to where master was. He was laying on the ground injured. Wendy came running and saw that Natsu was on the ground injured after fighting the fore god slayer. "Wendy heal Natsu's scarf first because if you don't you won't be able to heal him. I will heal gramps," I said. She nodded and started using her sky magic. I did the same.
"Amy, did you see the men falling from the sky," Wendy asked. I totally forgot about them this is bad. I nodded. After I finished healing gramps I left. I got on a tree and took a nap so that my magic power would be full and I could help fight the Master Hadies.
~Time skip~
When I woke up I decided to teleport to everyone using my lightning dragon slayer magic. I saw everyone on the ground. "Amy!!" the say in unison. "I'm not the only one coming," I say. They look at me confused until another crashof lightning is heard. The lightning hit the ground and coming from the lightning was the one and only LAXUS!! I tackled him into the ground. "Laxus!! Oh my god it's really you. The thunder god tride will be so happy," I yelled.
"Who the heck are you, how do you know my name, and get off me," he yelled trying to shock me with lightning. He was surprised because it wasn't working.
"Sorry but lightning doesn't work on me," I smirked. Then out of know where a white chain grabed on to me and draged me across the room.
"Your almost as stupid as Mocarov," Hadies yelled. After gaining enough momentum he pulled the chain in the direction of the wall and I went with him. That hurt. The chain disappeared. I'm guessing that he thinks that I'm already done for.
"Is this the fossil that hurt gramps, well I guess that I'll have to defeat him for gramps," he said with a smirk on his face.
"So your a blood relative of Mocarov that mean that this is going to be fun," Hadies said. They started fighting. I got up from the ground and snuck up behind Hadies.
I breave in air and yell, "LIGHTNING DRAGON ROAR!!" Hadies got hit.
"Your a lightning dragon slayer?!" Laxus yells.
What did you think? If I was stuck in fairy tail I would probably take a nap, too.😓

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