Chaper 7 Seven years

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That's really cool. This is chapter 7 and everyone has been asleep for seven years.
My head hurt so much. I heard people talking. "You think shes okay," one voice said.
"Of course she's okay," another said. I slowly opening my eyes. I see Jet and Droy except, they look older. I also see Natsu and this girl. The girl looks familiar. Then it hit me. "Your the first master. Mavis Vermilon," I said as everyone looked at me surprised.
"How the heck did you know that," Natsu said.
"I just know okay," I replied with an anime vain on my head.
Soon, we found the others an headed back to the guild.

~Timeskip to the guild~

We were about to walk in when I heard Romeo yelling and the guys from Twilight Ogr. I ran in a and kicked guy with lightning, making him fly of in the process.
"Guess who's back every one," I yelled. Everyone started to celibrate.


I was heading back to my dorm in fairy hills then I realized something. I'm going to have to pay the rent for 7 years. I started to do the math and checked how much money I have. Turns out that I will have a lot left over. Mabey if I go on some jobs with Team Natsu I will be able to go travel a bit and train. I really don't want to be hear when all the stuff with the clock happens. I want to travel and see if I can find any powerful celestial keys. I can come back when the grand magic games start. I want to see if I can beat the twin dragon slayers. That would be awesome. But for know lets see if team Natsu is going on a job.
When I get to the guild I see Lucy ballroom dancing with Natsu. What are they doing.
"Hey guys what're you up to?"

"On the job we're going to, we have to ballroom dance," Lucy says as she hands me the paper. I remember this it's the job with the guy with the funny name.
"Hey Lucy can you help me out with dancing," I say. Then out of no where, Erza comes and starts to spin me in circles. I should of seen that coming.
"It's all about SPIRIT," she yells. What the heck? I think I'm going to be sick.
After what seemed like forever, she finally stops. Everything is so dizzy.
Then every thing goes black and I feel my self fall. For some reason, I feel like someone caught me. Weird.

(Grey's P.O.V.)

I caught Amy just before she hit the ground. Erza really did a number on her. She was saying really weird things in he's sleep.
"I like pancakes...." that made me laugh.
"Erza how much did you spin her," I yelled.
"IT'S ALL ABOUT SPIRIT," she's already found a new victim.
I take Amy to the infirmary. I lay her on the bed to sleep. She looks so beautiful.
Hi I'm sorry for not updating I had to deal with school. And sorry for the short chapter. I will have the next one out as soon as possible.

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