Chapter 6 S-Class Trials Part 3

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Hi its me again. I'm not sure if I spelled the name of the first master. Thats why I alway's call him gramps. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. NOW ON WITH THE CHAPTER.

"Your a lightning dragon slayer, too?!" I ask. Who is this girl? She's kinda pretty... wait WHAT. This isn't the time for thinking about stuff like that!

Amy's (P.O.V.)

"Your a lightning dragon slayer, too," he asks.
"Not exactly," I say, "that doesn't matter right now." We started fighting. I used the lightning to teleport myself behind Hadies and kicked him but my foot had lightning in it so it was more powerful. The guy went flying. He got up and these magic circles appeared around Laxus and I. "An amaterasu formula?" Laxus said. Then it hit us. I felt like my limbs weren't responing. I was still able to move a little but not as much as Laxus. "What?! How is that possible," Hadies yelled out. I got up took two step and fell. As the room started to get darker I was able to say one last thing,"good luck."

Natsu's (P.O.V.)

I as Amy got up like Laxus but she fell. Her eyes started to close showing that she was blacking out. Before her eye's completely closed I was able to hear her say something. I was like she was saying good luck, but I wasn't sure.

Amy's Dream

I saw a dragon it was the same one I dreamt about. There was another dragon it was gold and dark blue. The two dragons were beautiful. They started to walk away and I ran after them yelling, "please don't leave. What is your name? Who are you? Where are you going?" I ran after them but found myself lost in a forest. I was so confused. Thats when I woke up.

Before Amy wakes up
And after Master Hadies is defeated

Gramps and the others showed up. He walked to me. "I'm proud of you for coming back," he said. I look at him surprised. "IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR WELL TO BAD. HOW DARE YOU SET FOOT ON TENROU ISLAND," I started to zone out. This old man is so annoying.

(Gray's P.O.V.)

I saw that everyone was hear except Amy. Where is she. I look around and see her on the ground still unconscious. I hope she's okay. I pucked her up and caried her to the camp. With everyone else.

~Time skip~ back at the camp


Natsu and Amy were fast asleep. I kept asking everyone what type of magic Amy uses but they weren't sure. "A week or two ago, Salamander went to ask her what type of magic she uses and if shes seen any of the dragons. You could ask him when he wakes up or if Amy wakes up before him you can ask her," Gajeel said. I nodded and out of no where got tackled in a hug by the thunder god tribe. Freed kept crying. Evergreen started talking about her and Elfmen. "So you when did you guys hook up ," I say.
"We didn't it's kinda hard to explain," he says. I nod and he gets so confused.
I see Gildarts and we catch up.
"So let me get this straight. You mest up so bad, you got expelled by your grandpa. Your so lame," he said while laughing.
"Well I ain't half as lame as you," I said geting angry.

Amy's (P.O.V.)

I wake up in a camp with everyone from fairy tail. What happened? Why does my head hurt? I feel like I was hit by a truck. Then everything start to come back to me. I was hit by that amaturasu formula.
"Hey Amy. Glad to see that your awake." I turn my head to see Erza.
"Thanks. What did I miss," I say. Erza explains everything that happened since I passed out. She told me that Laxus wanted to talk to me about what type of magic I use.
"To be honest, everyone is kinda curious as to what type of magic you use," she said. I get up so I could tell everyone what type of magic I use.
"HEY EVERYONE. ERZA TOLD ME YHAT YOU ALL ARE A LITTLE CURIOUS AS TO WHAT TYPE OF MAGIC I USE," I yelled. Everyone started to get excited. "Well I use infinity dragon slayer magic," I say not as loud. Everyone vets super confused and started asking what that means. I started to explain and everyone was super excited. Then out of no where we hear a dragon roar. I totally forgot about Aclonogia. Everyone trys to attack it but there is no affect. "EVERYONE, HIT TI WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT," I yell. This is bad. We all attack with everything we have but nothing happens. Then master start to tell use that if we focus all our magic power on Levy and Freed we might be able to pull off a defense and survive. We stand in a circle and focus all the magic we have on defense. The next thing I know the dragon attacks and everything goes black.
Hi. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait to write yhe next one. Bye.👋

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