Chapter 12

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(Amy's P.O.V.)

Last night I missed the part where Bacchus and Cana had a drinking contest. I was so sad.

It was the second day and everyone was excited. The game was chariots and Gajeel had gone up. It was the most hilarious scene ever. Natsu, Sting, and Gajeel were having motion sickness.

"When you get motion sickness, you become one with your power. You an official dragon slayer. Welcome newbie," Sting said as he was about to throw up.

"NEWBIE?!" Gajeel yelled as he was holding his stomach. I was dying of laugher. Laxus was ashamed.

"Hey Laxus, do you have motion sickness," Mira asked. "And Amy, what about you?," I nodded.

"Just don't tell Natsu. He'll never let me hear the end of it," Laxus said. Mabey I can blackmail him in the future.

Then Natsu and Gajeel looked constipated. They were yelled to see if that would give them the strength they needed to rank up some points but it was just sad. Then Natsu started to say some speech about the people of Fairy Tail and how they waited for us.

The game ended and our teams were still in last place. Soon enough the battles started and the first one was a guy in Raven Tail vs. Toby. It was really sad. Every time Toby talked it made my head hurt. The battle ended with Raven Tail wining 10 points.

The next match was Bacchus vs. Elfman. I zoned out through most of the fight. Elfman won.

The next match was Mirajane vs. Jenny. It was a pose off. Even though I knew it was coming, I still face palmed. Then three girls from Mermaid Heel came in. Here we go.

Then it was Chelia and Cherry. This is getting better by the second. Every girl was joining in.

"Aren't you going to go down there," Gajeel asks. I'm not sure if I really want to.

In the end the first master made me and I requipped in to a bathing suit. I went down there not really sure of what I was doing. Grey was making sure no other guy's looked at me. He was so angry.

They kept switching outfits. Soon they called for wedding dresses and to get a groom. Grey came up to me blushing and I hugged him.

"Everyone was looking at you," he said.

"Blame the first master," I said, trying to calm him down.

"You look beautiful," he said changing the subject. All the girls looked at me and gasp when they saw the wedding dress.

Since I loved to where dresses, I always knew what would look good on me and what wouldn't.

After the fake wedding it was swim suits. But the worst thing in the history of anime happened. The master of Lamia Scale came in. I almost passed out from the horrible sight. Everyone cleared out of the arena except Mria and Jenny.

The last outfit was combat gear. Mira won by a land slide. It was really funny.

The last match was Yukino vs. Kagura. I feel bad for Yukino. She bet her life. In the end, she lost. Kagura was really tough.

Jason is freaking out and everyone was going crazy. I could feel the anger coming from Sting.

It was the end of the day and the anouncer was saying the guilds points for today.

1st Place-Raven Tail

2nd Place-Sabertooth

2rd Place-Lamia Scale

4th Place-Mermaid Heel

5th Place-Blue Pegasus

6th Place-Quattro Puppy

7th Place-Fairy Tail Team B

8th Place-Fairy Tail Team A


It was night and we were partying with Bacchus. Team Natsu was yelling 'WILD'!

Then Lyon and Chelia came to visit. They wanted to batle over Juvia's love. Grey explained how he was already in a relationship with me and Lyon started to flirt with Juvia. At this point Sabertooth was getting yelled at by there master. I feel so bad for Yukino.


I was walking with Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Happy and Carla. We were talkimg until we spotted Yukino. This means that she's left Sabertooth. We were sitting down at a table with her. Happy wanted to give her fish but Carla told him not to. She wanted to give Lucy her keys. Everyone was surprised except me. Lucy refused.

Natsu amd Happy ran after Yukino. I followed them so they wouldn't know I was watching. He apologized to her and she broke into tears. She explained that she had always wanted to be in Sabertooth and now they kicked her out. I wanted to puch there master for doing that.

Natsu looked like he was about to kill someone. The idiot ran off to Sabertooth. I follow but wasn't as fast as him. By the time I made it there. Natsu was battling the master. I grabbed his arm as he was about to throw another punch.

"Thats enough Natsu,"I say. He glared at me. I glared back.

"Qhat do you mean 'thats enough'. They kick poor Yukino out cause she lost one battle!" he yelled. "There's no way I'm stopping now."

"Natsu you better stop in the next five minutes," I say. He just keeps going. That idiot just ignored me. I hit him on the head with my fire dragon iron fist. I was so cought up with his fight that he didn't see it come and got hit. He was knocked out. Everyone in Sabertooth had shocked faces as to how a small girl like me was able to defeat Natsu. Then Minerva came. I turned to her.

"I apologize for his rude actions. He care's for people way to much and takes them personal. Now can you give me back the blue cat," I said. Everyone's faces turned from shocked to confusion.

"What blue cat," Minerva said, playing dumb.

"Oh you know what I'm talking about. If you don't know, mabey I can beat you till you remember," I said with a smile. She looked angry but gave me a crying Happy. "How about we forget this all happened? I promise to keep a close eye on my guild mate" I say. She nods.

"Amy's I'm so sorry they got me," Happy says.

"It's okay little buddy. Lets go home," i say. He nods and I put him on my head. I take Natsu and slong him on my shoulder. I was about to walk through the now destroy door way when I stopped. "A guild is nothing if it treats it's guild mates like trash and not like family," I say as I leave.

(Sting's P.O.V.)

Ther that strong. Natsu is super powerful and that Amy girl knocked him out it one punch. There's no way I can beat them.
Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. Next Chapter will be better I promise. Bye.

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