Chapter 13

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Hi I'm back. I won't update very frequently so don't be surprised. NOW ON WITH THE CHAPTER!
(Amy's P.O.V.)

I brought Natsu back the in Team A was staying in. The idiot was still asleep so I carried him all the way. I opened the door and set him on the bed.

"Amy! Where were you? What happened to Natsu," Lucy asks. I place Natsu on the bed and turn to see Erza, Grey, Lucy, and Wendy looking at me with concerned faces.

"Natsu thought it would be a great idea to attack Sabortooth and there master because they kicked out Yukino. I followed him and knocked him out. The bad thing is that he kinda destroyed the place and beat one there members," I explained. We hear a groan and turn to where Natsu was sleeping.

"What happened? Wait, I'm gonna kick there butts! Wait where am I?" he asks. We all face palm. I don't think he can get any stupider than this point. Mabey he can. This is Natsu I'm talking about.

"Your at the in. Amy knocked you out before you got into any really trouble," Gray explained. I sighed as Gray gets mad at Natsu for not bringing him with him.

"Hey guys, I'm going to go to bed. See ya tommorow," I said before I gave Gray a quick peck in the cheek and left.

I got to the room I was staying in and quickly changed into my pj's and headed straight to bed.

~Timeskip to morning~

In was the third day of the grand magic games. I was with my team. I could see team A was still mad about what happened yesterday. The game was pandemonium. This is one of my favorite ones. Especially when Erza beats all 100 monsters.

Cana and Gajeel were arguing on who got to go. In the end Cana won the argument. They all went down there. The pumpkin guy explained the game and they pulled sticks to see who got to go first. Erza was up first. She chose 100 monsters. Everyone was shocked.

"B-but if you defeat all the monster's there won't be any left for the rest of the teams to compete!" the pumpkin said. Erza simply said that she didn't care and went in. The monsters showed up and she started.

About five minutes later she had more than half of them down. I was cheering her on while everyone else was dumbfounded. After 3 more minutes all that was left was the S-class monster.

She was a bit overwhelmed but defeated it in the end. Everyone in the crowd was shocked.

"I heard she's called the queen of the fairies," I heard someone say.

"She's fairy tails strongest women wizard," I heard someone else say. She really is the queen of the fairies.

She even apologized for taking so long. Since she defeated every monster, there was this magic tester thing that I forgot the name of. Hibiki's reaction to his score made me laugh. Then we all noticed. Cana's drinking.

"Hey! The boozer's drinking on the job!" Gajeel yelled.

"Don't worrie, by the end of this she'll take second place just under Erza," I said as everyone turned to face me. I had a confident smirk on my face.

"How can you be so sure?" Laxus asked.

"Just watch," I said. By the time our conversation had ended, it was Cana's turn.

"Oh so nice of you to save the best for last," she said as she all most fell over. She started to take off her jacket. Everyone was super confused until they saw the mark on her arm. She chanted to words to cast Fairy Glitter. Her score was over 9999. She looked up at the crowd.

"This is only the beginning. We've just started to rock your world. Fairy Tail will be number one again," she yelled. Everyone cheered. I looked over to Sabertooth and saw Sting shocked. I smirked.

"In first place is Raven Tailm. In second place is Lamia Scale. Dropping down to third place is Sabortooth. In forth place is the ladies of Mermaid Heel. Next we have the group who had jumped two places to tie for fourth place is Fairy Tail team A. In sixed place is Fairy Tail team B. And here are the rest of the team's," the anoucer said as he brought up the scores.

"We can't let our guildmates out do us,"Gajeel said. I nodded.

"Alight it's time to start the matches. The first match is Laxus vs. Alexei," the anounser said.

"Good luck Laxus," I said.

"Good luck you can do it Laxus," Mira yelled.

"I got no doubt that we're going to win this one," Gajeel said.

"It is Laxus after all," Cana said. I nodded.

"Last time we saw these two guild's go head to head, the out come was pretty brutal for Fairy Tail," the anoucer guy said. I look around and saw Bisca keeping an eye on Ivan while the Thunder Legion and Lissana were watching Raven Tail. "Competitors step forward. Let the battle begin."

And like that, the battle between Laxus and Alexei started. Laxus started to talk but was interrupted by a punch. Everyone was surprised.

"You got to be kidding me," Gajeel said.

"Don't worry, it's all an illusion," I said. "There talking right now," I continued.

"Well then let's go stop the fight," Gajeel said. I shook my head.

"Don't worry. Laxus will win and Raven Tail will be disqualified," I said.

"How can you be sure," Gajeel said.

"Just watch," I responded. I watched as he kept getting beat. The master called Laxus and held up his hand showing the sign that where ever you are we're thinking of you. I smiled. After a couple of minutes I saw that Ivan was thrown out of his illusion. The battle is over.

"Woah! What happened down there," the announcer yelled.

"Told you Gajeel," I said while smiling.

"Whatever," he muttered. Everyone was amazed by Fairy Tails strength. Mira was cheering like crazy.

"Sorry about that every one. How about we move in to the next match," the pumpkin guy said. "It's the last fight of the day and it's sure to be an exciting one," Pumpkin guy continued.

"Wendy of Fairy Tail vs Lamia Scale's Shelia," the announcer finished. They got down to the arena. Shelia ran in but tripped on a rock.

"Oh my goodness, are you alright," Wendy said while running to help Shelia. She didn't notice a rock and tripped. I face palmed. They got up and were ready to fight. The announcer was waving his butt around with hearts in his eye's going on about how cute they were. The match started. I watched as Wendy used her strongest attack. Chelia then healed her self. She has really good healing magics. Mabey I can learn a bit of god slayer magic from her. There match was pretty epic. In the end it was a tie and a new friendship was born. Just like that, the third day was over. I was with Fairy Tail team A Natsu started to complain about being hungry. I sweat dropped. After everything that just happened, all he thinks about is food.

My stomach grumbled. Well mabey a little food won't hurt.

"Hey Grey how about we go back to the in and eat something?" I said. He smiled.

"Ya that would be nice," he responded.


We where at the bar. Natsu got the idea of barrel surfing. He ended up bumping into Gajeel and getting motion sickness.

"Alright, looks like I'll give it a try," Grey said.

"Have fun and try not to get hurt," I yelled only to see him fall and some how loose his clothes. I laughed and helped him up.

"In that case, it's my turn next," Erza said. She was surfing like a pro, until she fell, too. Now it's my turn. I was horrable and fell after 2 seconds. We laughed and played around. Tomorrow is the 4th day. I can't wait.
Well thats it for this chapter. Expect slow updates and happy fourth of july.😛Bye.

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