Chapter 11

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Hi I hope you enjoy this chapter that's all.
(Amy's P.O.V.)

"Amy I want to talk to you after team fairy tail leaves," master said after assigning the people of team fairy tail.

Everyone left and he started to talk to me. " I want you to be on fairy tail team B with Gajeel, Mira, Laxus, and Jellal," I nodded.

I guess I'm taking Juvia's spot. I hope that she's not mad. I waited for everyone else to get back from training and headed to the capital city of Fiore.


Once we got there I met up with Grey and had lunch with him. It was nive until Juvia and Leon showed up. Then things got awkward.

After lunch I heard the sound of fighting. That must be Sting and Rogue.

"I've heard of you, your Natsu the dragon slayer that failed to slay a dragon," I heard Sting say.

"You guy's are the twin dragons," I said as I stepped out of the crowd.

"Who are you," Sting said.

"I am Ashley the infinity dragon slayer," I said, "you might not have heard of me. I beat Natsu in a fight." That cought his attention. "It you ever beat me in a fight that means your stronger than Natsu," I said , "And Rogue, if you beat me I know you can beat Gajeel." That caught Rogue's attention. I walked away leaving the three confused dragon slayers.

Since it was almost midnight, I headed to the in my team is staying at.

I continued to read my god slayer magic book until the in grew feet and stood up. There was a little road that leas to the dome. The pumpkin man explained that this was a contest that only had 8 wining teams


We got to the finish line after Sabertooth. We went back to the in and went to sleep.

~Timeskip to morning~

We were in the arena, waiting for our names to be called. When fairy tail team A got out there I could hear the booing of the crowd. They will probably do the same to us.

They finally called our names. We got out there and let me tell you everyone was silent. No one expected there to be another fairy tail team. I could hear the laughter coming from master. I face plamed. 'And they wonder why people boo at them' I thought.

Natsu started to say stuff about playing fair. To be honest, I wasn't really listening.

Then they called Sabortooth. Everyone cheered. It was like the complete opposite from fairy tail.

We all got up on our balconies and got ready for the first game. It was called hidden.since I was in Juvia's place I went in to play. Thousands of copies of me and the other player's surrounded me.

"I heard that the two competitor's from the fairy tail guild are dating," I heard Jenny say.

"I wonder how this will turn out," I heard the guy the used ro be on the council said.

Then I realized it. I have to fight my boyfriend. That's just great.(note the sarcasm)*

I was able to score a point on the guy from Quatro Cerberus. I never payed attention to the wizards in that guild, except Bacchus Groh. I started to hide around the duplicates for the competitor's.

It started to snow. It was Eve. He was one of my favorite characters. He was adorable. Everyone started to shake. Everyone except Grey, Loeon and me. I trained to learn all dragon slayer magic. That included Ice dragon slayer. Eve had taken everyone else out and it was just the ice wizards against Eve.

"Ice dragon Roar!" I yelled out as a wave of blue and white came out of my mouth. I earned a point. Then Rufus turned everything into night with his memory make magic. He hit everyone but me and the guy from Raven Tail.

The game was soon over.

Sabortooth 10 Points

Raven Tail 8 Points

Lamia Scale 6 Points

Blue Pegasus 4 Points

Quattro Cerberus 4 Points

Fairy Tail Team B 2 Points

Fairy Tail Team A 0 Points

Everyone was laughing at Fairy Tail. Grey was really mad. I went to go comfort him.

I saw him. His fist had made a dent in the wall. I hugged him. He tensed up at first but then relaxed. He hugged me back. Even though he was an ice wizard I felt warm everytime he hugged me.

"There going to pay," he said.

"I know," I said as we separated. I smiled at him, trying to cheer him up. Smiled back. I walked back to the balcony with my team.

"The first match will test the skills of Fairy Tail Team A's zodiac wielder, Lucy Heartfilia against the crimson intensity of Raven Tail's Flare Corona," the anouncer said. To be honest since I already knew how this would turn out I went to the area where fairy tail was and stood behind Asuka.

Soon hair came from the ground and I used my fire dragon slayer magic to burn her hair. Once she noticed she glared at me and I smirked at her. Lucy got out of her grip and used urono metrio but that didn't work. Because of her not having any magic left she lost.

I feel bad for her. We'll beat them later.

After a while, it was Olga amd Warcry's match. It was hilarious when Olga started to sing. Then it was Jellal against Jera. I almost died of laugher. That's what he gets for showing off and using his magic. That ended the first day of the grand magic games.

Sabortooth 20 Points

Raven Tail 18 Points

Lamia Scale 16 Points

Blue Pegasus 14 Points

Marmaid Heel 3 Points

Quattro Cerberus 2 Points

Fairy Tail Team B 2 Points

Fairy Tail Team A 0 Points

Well, at least it gets better. We left and celebrated our losses by getting drunk.

Cana was yelling about how bad we were today.

"Less shouting and more drinking, we have a horrible defeat to celebrate," master yelled.

"By the way, where's Grey and Lucy," someone said. Then Juvia started talking about how Lucy was putting the moves on Lucy. It might have been and entertaining storie if Gray and Lucy weren't there the entire time. That ended the first day of the grand magic games.

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