Chapter 10 Training Part 2

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If you didn't watch the fairy tail OVA, y ou will probably be confused so in the media there is a video that explains what might or might not happen in this chapter. Enjoy.
(Amy's P.O.V.)

I finally got out of that death trap people call a train. At least I'm not blowing chunks like Natsu. Mabey I should be a little great full. What ever. We got to the in and let me tell you it was a really pretty place. I'm not from Japan so this stuff is a little new to me. Like eating with chop sticks. That is still a little hard for me.

After a day of playing on the beach we went to the in. I put on the robe they gave people at in's.

Next thing I know Erza is chugging down a bottle of sake(if you don't know what sake is search it up online)
After about five minutes Erza some how got all of us to have some.

(Third Person P.O.V.)

The boys walked into the room to see something terrifying. All the woman head drank all of the booze.
"Who did it?" Grey ask, "who let the woman drink all the booze." They looked insane. "Hey land-lady why is there booz-," Grey started only to get hit in the head by something.

"There isn't enough booze!" Erza yells.

"Wendy hang on!" Juvia said while crying. Wendy's eye's were spinning. Apparently she even drank some. Throughout all the chaos, Grey was looking for Amy. There she was. Lying on the floor.

"Whaz happening. Where Grey at," she looked like the one that drank the most. "I see bunniez ands rainbowzz," she said. She got up but fell back down. Before she made contact with the ground something (or should I say someone 😏) caught her. It was non other than Grey.

"What am I going to do with you," he said as he chuckled. He carried her bridal style as she kept on talking about random stuff. "Letz go on a aventure," she said. Juvia made attempts to get close to Grey but nothing worked, he had all his attention on Amy. She soon feel asleep in his arms. He sat down, leaning on the wall, and also fell asleep with Amy still his arms.

~Timeskip to morning~
(Amy's P.O.V.)

I was sleeping on something very comfortable. I hugged it and continued to sleep.


I woke up laying on something. When I finally realized what it was my face was redder then Erza's hair. That reminded me. Where is everyone? I looked around to see that no one was here. I turned my head back to Grey, getting ready to get up before he saw what was happening only to see that he had woken up and was smirking.
"Good morning honey. Are you comfortable," he said as my face grew redder.

The top part of his robe was off as usual. What happened last night? My head hurts a lot.

"Hey Grey, what happen last night?" I ask. He explains everything and my face was red with embarrassment.

"Anyway, where is everyone," Grey ask. I shrugged. We decided to look for them.

I fimd Erza trying to sommon as many swords as possible, Natsu is usimg his fire under water, Lucy is trying to increase her magic power, Wendy is reading the book of spells her mom left her, and Juvia is working on jer attacks.

Levy, Jet, and Droy are talking about something. After about five minutes of standing there, they finally notice that we were here.

"So guys how did you sleep," Lucy asked raising an eyebrow. I blushed.

"S-shup up, Lucy," I yelled.

We started to train till. I worked on my God Slayer Magic and Grey froze the ocean. That's just great.


It was the end on the day when Virgo poped up.

"Princess, the spirit world is in danger. We need help," she said, "can you come to the spirit world and help?"

"Of course. Lets go. Wait, I thought that people can't be in the spirit world," Lucy asks. Virgo then explains that we will need to wear clothes from the spirit world.

We put on the clothes Virgo gave us and headed in. Instead of tge spirit world needing help they just brought us here to celebrate coming back after 7 years.

The food was amazing. I was talking with Aries the entire time. She's really nice.

After spending a day there everyone found out that they spent the whole 3 months in the spirit world. I just started to laugh.

Once we came back to the normal world we met up with Grey's master's daughter, Meldy, and Jellal. Apparently, I already had my second origin open. So did Erza. I kinda felt bad for everyone else. They're all in a lot of pain.

We packed our things and headed to the train station. I finally learned the troya spell so I won't have motion sickness. The only thing is that I don't know if it will work. I did the spell before I got on the train. The train started to move and for yhe first time I wasn't dizzy.

I was cheering when Grey noticed that I wasn't sick.

"Don't you have motion sickness," I explained that I learned sky god slayer magic and that I used the troua spell.

I wonder if I'll be in the grand magic games. That would be fun.

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