Chapter 9 Training Part 1

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I hope you enjoy this chapter. I will not be writing adout the clock of infinity. Sorry.
(Amy's P.O.V.)

"WHATTTTT," Grey yells,"how long!"
"Just a month or two. I promise," I say. Right at this moment I was telling Grey that I will be off training for a while. As you can see, he doesn't like the idea.
"O-okay. Just be safe," he says.
"I will," I say as I hug him. With that I head home and start packing. I'll come back three months before the grand magic games start. Once everything is packet I go to the guild and tell the master I will be gone for the next month.

I go say goodbye to Grey and head to the train station. Before I get on I take out a potion. It's supposed to stop me from geting sick. The train start to move and for the first time, I don't have motion sickness.


I woke up to see that the train had stopped and I started to get off.

My first stop is the magic library. I want to learn some god slayer magic. The one that would be really useful is Sky God Slayer Magic. I look around the library to see the BUTT JIGGLE GANG? I also see Erza and Wendy.
"Hey guy's,"I say as I run up to them.
"Amy? What are you doing here," Erza asks. I exlpain that I'm here to learn God Slayer Magic.
"Ohh so you want to use Sky God Slayer Magic? That sounds cool," Wendy says. I left them to do there stuff and get the clock piece while I look for that book. I look at the sections for slayer magic. Then I look for God Slayer Magic. Then after finding that I look for Sky God Slayer Magic.

After a while off looking, I find it.
I start to read. It's very interesting. I might be able to at least heal myself by the grand magic games. This is going to be fun.

~Timeskip to next month~

I head back to the guild. At the moment, I'm only able to heal small wounds on myself. I need to learn the Troya spell for God Slaying Magic.

I open the big door to find everyone talking about the Grand Magic Games.
"Hey guy's did I come at a bad time," I ask as everyone turns there head twards me.
"AMY'S BACK," everyone yells. They tackle me in a giant group hug.
"C-can't breath," I mangage to say with out dying. Finally, everyone gets off and I see Grey there. I hug him.
"I missed you," he says.

"I missed you, too," I say. Soon the groups go off to train. I go with team Natsu and team Shadowgear to the beach. I pack once again but this time I pack my bathing suit. We planned to meet at the train station tomorrow morning.

I head into my bathroom and turn on the water in the tub. As i wait for the tup to fill up I take off my clothes.

Once the tub is full, I sit in the tub.

After taking a bath I pit on my pj's and head to bed.

I saw the blue and purple dragon.
"Your my mother," I said as she nodded," I'm sorry but I don't remember your name."
"My name Lillian. When you were little you called me Lilly or mom." I nodded.
"I hope that I will some day get my memories back and find out who was that person I saw in that dream," she nodded. Then there was a bright light and I woke up. It was morning and I was supposed to meet everyone at the train station in two hours. I ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, got dressed, grabbed my stuff and headed to the train station. Since I was an hour early I opened the book I got from the library. I started to read over the spells and other things about Sky God Slayer Magic.

After a while everyone came. Grey sat next to me and we waited for the train to come. Natsu then started to yell about something which caused Grey to tell him to shut up then they started to argue with there heads touching.

"Can you be any more annoying flame brain," Grey started.

"Oh you wanna go, ice princess," Natsu threaten.

"You bet pyro," Grey said. I could see that Erza was ready to destroy them so I stepped in.

"Grey, how about we sit down. You seem really tired," it was the first thing that came to my mind.

"Yeah, I guess it wouldn't hurt to sit instead of fight for a bit," he said as we sat down on a bench. Did he just say that sitting would be better than fighting. This has never happened with Grey. Everyone just stood there, wide eyed. 'He actually stopped fighting' they all thought.

Then the train came. Oh brother. I hate trains. I don't even have any more of that potion that stops motion sickness. I layed on the seat with my head rested on Greys lap. The train started to move and everything went black.

(Third Person P.O.V)

Amy rested her head on her boyfriends lap as the train moved. Juvia looked like she was going to murder Amy. Levy saw how tense things were with Juvia so she tried to brighten the mood.
"So what are you guys going to improve on when we get to the beach?" Levy asked everyone. Juvia looked as if she never even heard the question. She just continued to glare at the passed out Amy.
"I was to continue to work on my ice make magic," Grey said as he played with Amy's hair. Juvia continued to galre at Amy. Everyone, except Natsu, Amy, and Juvia, had answered Levy's question.
"Uh Juvia you haven't answered the question," Levy said.
"Oh sorry I was thinking. I want to work on the amount of damage my attacks have on a person. Even if I don't get pick to participate, I want to train," she said.

Soon the train got to it's destination and everyone settled down at an in.

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