The Story Of How This 'Story' Became A Story.

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This small update or long update is for 50 reads,I know it doesn't sound like a lot but to us all these reads are just growing and growing everyday.Thank You To Everyone who reads this book.

Sorry For Any Mistakes
~~Now let's start from the very beginning or somewhat beginning.

It was a Friday night,like always we were texting each other.It first started off with Hope showing me a picture of Teen Wolf,weird right.

Than we started talking about school gossip,and what not.Than we brought on some boys. That day I found out my best friend had a crush to a guy,lets just call him 'Brent' for this story.
As much as I'd like to reveal who this boys name is,I couldn't do that to the both of them.Yea I'm shipping you two hard.

So we started talking about Hope and 'Brent',like how they'll be like the cutest couple in school.But we had forgotten that 'Brent' already had a girlfriend,'Sarah' let's just call her Sarah.

Then all of our fangirling over Hope and 'Brent' were immediately shut down.Then I remembered 'Sarah' telling me one day that they might move,so I'm like score.Because usually long distance relationships most definitely never work.

So than Hope had to bring up my old crush.May I add OLD crush 'Brennan' let's say his name is.Hope started talking about how we were a cute couple and it's going to happen.Than we started coming up with ship names,I would say them but no one would understand expect Hope & I and I don't want to confuse you all.

So after a good time,of planning a perfect squad Lol,and make each other be with the cutest guys we could find (P.S Hope I'm not saying 'Brennan' is cute,Lol) LOL BUT YOU ARE,I'm Calling 'Brent' cute.Lol

Our texts died down.I don't really remember who said we should make it a book.But half an hour later we came up with 4 names,a title,and a story plot.

You guys were probably thinking that this story was more interesting.But I have to be honest with you guys,this story wasn't all interesting now that I write it all out.

But hey that's the truth,and that's how this story became a story.I seriously hope you guys don't stop reading this book because of this small update,Lol.

But for those who had been waiting for this update I guess,I hope you guys enjoyed this and yes hope and I do have weird conversations but,I Love Her For That.I couldn't have asked for a weirder best friend ever.

Anyways that's the story.


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