Chapter 13.

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I dodge all the nurses walking around the halls,Brent and Gabby right behind me hot on my heels.

Mrs Johnson told us a few seconds ago that Brennan was awake,and I ran for it.

I reach Brennan's hospital room,I grip the door handle opening the door with much force.

There Brennan stood off the bed,rolling his eyes as the nurses that told him to go back on the bed.

I leave the door open.I rush towards Brennan.When he noticed me his eyes lit up,I tackle him in a tight hug.We stumble back,Brennan bumping into the hospital bed.

"It's okay"he whispers in my ear,I hug him tighter.He stumbles back falling onto the bed this time.

"I'm sorry,I should've done something more but his grip was to strong"

"Woah"Brennan stops me "It's not your fault,I got hit by a car.Daniel should've have messed with the girl I like"My eyes widen

I pull away,my face no longer in the crock of his neck.I look him in the eyes.

"What?" I question
He cups my face,his eyes searching my eyes."I Like You,Lucy Snow"I smile,he runs his thumb across my bottom lip.

"Finally"We hear someone say.Brennan looks past my shoulder,seeing Brent and Gabby.Who I had forgotten were standing right behind us.

Brennan smiles at them "We'll leave you two be.Lucy we'll see you tomorrow at school"Gabby says

I laugh "alright"with that we heard the door close.

"So um "Brennan says,sitting up also helping me sit up

Before Brennan could say anything else Mrs Johnson comes in smiling at us."Great to see you up Brennan"Brennan salutes her.

"I've called your parents,their on their way from work"Brennan nods,wrapping an arm around my shoulders

"Alright alright,I still have to do my job here.Lay down"She demands softly,Brennan groans unwrapping his arm and laying down.

"Ive gotta get you some sugar,your blood sugar is low.Can we change your pod?"Mrs Johnson questions,he nods

"What do you want that has a lot of sugar?"She questions getting a needle ready.

"Cookies and Grape Juice"Mrs Johnson makes a face

"Grape juice?"
"He doesn't wanna ruin any other juice."I say Brennan winks at me.

"You my boy are very odd"I laugh

"I'll be right back "we nod.I get up from the bed,but than being pulled back down again.

I look down at my wrist,seeing Brennan pulling it softly.
"Lay with me?"He makes his best pouting face,I nod my head laughing.

As I lay down beside Brennan,he again wraps an arm around me.Pulling me closer

"Your much warmer"I whisper.He hums in confusion

"When I came in,you were cold"he laughs
"That's not a problem anymore"he says as Mrs Johnson comes back.

Gabby's POV
"You've gotta tell me everything"I whisper yell with joy,Lucy laughs stuffing books in her locker.

Unwritten Teenage DreamWhere stories live. Discover now