Chapter 24.

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Gabby's POV
Sitting in these chairs,in the huge auditorium.With our navy blue robes,with white sashes,navy blue caps and white ribbons on the right,waiting to be turned to the left side.

I stare at our principal who was talking about our achievements,My eyes wonder over to Lucy who was talking pictures at the front of the stage,looking silly as ever as she wore her robe,and cap.

I smile looking at how funny my best friend is looking right now.

Lucy's POV
Retaking my seat in the front seats of our class,I place my camera in my lap turning my attention to our principal speaking about how wonderful we were to the school.

I look back my shoulder,past a row of the graduates.Brennan sent me a smile,I return a smile,before returning my attention back to the front getting ready for Brent's speech.

Our principal then introduces Brent as this year's valedictorian.A few cheers and whistles were heard from the crowd of students and parents,I laugh along with the rest of our class.

Brent laughs jogging his way up the small flight of stairs before shaking the principals hand and taking the podium himself.

I get up from my seat,quickly rushing to the front of Brent,where he stood at the podium,arms stretched out.

"Well we did it"He announces,earning another round of cheers.

Third POV
"It's been one hell of a ride"Brent smiles "sorry parents for swearing"laughs were heard,Brent smiles in victory.

"I know nobody has had an easy four years,I mean from midterms,exams,bad grades,girlfriends,boyfriends,losing some friends,gaining some friends,losing people we love"He pauses.

"It hasn't been easy,trust me I haven't gotten the easy end of the stick either.But we have people who support us.Our parents"Brent points towards the rows of parents sitting behind the graduates.

"Teachers,coaches"he announces,looking behind him giving the teachers and coaches a warm smile.

"We had each other.Being the quarterback for this school,was a roller coaster I had my ups and downs.But I could always go to any one of you guys to help me"

"We will always take the memories we had here.Even if there good or there bad"

He sighs,taking in a breather "No matter where we are in life,if some of us are across the world,or right where we stand now.We'll always be a family"

"Now with that being said,it's your life,your future.Don't let anyone tell you otherwise,make your own destiny"Brent nods.

"I wish you all a great,fun filled,happy future.And I'll see you all at my house later"he winks to the crowd.

Laughs from the graduates were heard,even some whistles

Gabby's POV
After Brent's speech the teachers and principal are handing out the diplomas and awards

It was clear that Brent went first since he was already standing up there.Lucy went next cause she has to take all the pictures.

Brent and Lucy stood side by side,smiling as they watch the other students get congratulated for their achievement on graduating high school.

Lucy's POV
I smile as I see Gabby and Brennan slowly making their way up the flight of stairs.

"Gabriella Coleman"our principal announces,Brent and I clap and screaming at the top of our lungs.

I laugh taking her picture,as she shakes the principles hand.

Gabby walks over to us,I smile at her,she smiles back before making her way back to her seat.

Next was Brennan.You could tell something was wrong,he had bags under his eyes but he wouldn't let anyone notice he wasn't feeling well.

"Brennan Knight"Brent whistles for his best friend as I clap,sending Brennan a warm smile.

Brennan finishes shaking everyone's hand,I got a picture of it all.

He fist pumps Brent before wrapping his arm around me,bending us down and giving me a short kiss.

I laugh as he gives me a smirk walking down the stairs.

Third POV
"Graduates of 2016 you may now turn your ribbons from the right to the left"

The class does so,already excited.

"I'd like to congratulate the class of 2016" the principle yells,just as the students throw their caps up in the air,watching them fly high.

Brennan walks over to Lucy,giving her a kiss.

Brent wraps his arms around Gabby's waist spinning her around.

The four of them meet up.

"We did it"Brent exclaims obviously to excited.

"Couldn't have done it without you guys"gabby whispers as the boys throw their arms around the girls,leading them back to their parents

They did it,they finally graduated.
Graduation chapter checked off.

Sorry for any mistakes

Wow so many things happened,it was a short but cute chapter,part 1 of this book is slowly coming to an end,and you guys have no idea what's next.

Anyways lots of love,

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