Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

White luminous trees, bright blue fireflies floating around, the still lake reflecting the night sky in a perfect mirror image. Strawberry bushes by every tree… If this place really was the place I had in mind then… I hesitantly reached out for one strawberry and plucked it from the bush. Please don’t be poisonous. I took a bite and instantly hot melted chocolate flowed into my mouth. A strawberry and chocolate sensation tingled my taste-buds. I savoured every bite of happiness as I finally accepted the facts. It’s true! I’m really here! My very own world! My complete fantasy!

“You!” a voice yelled just as I was about to take another strawberry. Oh no, was taking strawberries like this illegal or something? Did I even write that down in the book? Wait… Did I even write other people being in this place other than me?...

Panic ran through me like a pulse in tune with the person’s footsteps. I refused to turn. I didn’t want to see who it was, instead, I thought of ways to escape or plausible excuses like…I’m new here, I didn’t know it was wrong or…I’m your creator and I demand you worship me! Well…maybe not that one.

I remained extremely still, my eyes locked on the ground. The footsteps grew louder and louder. With every step, it grew increasingly hard to breathe. Then suddenly the footsteps came to a complete halt. I held my breath for fear that if I didn’t, I would lose it. Suddenly a hand grabbed my left shoulder and I fought the urge to scream and make a run for it.

I turned around hesitantly and found myself staring into familiar mesmerising and mysterious purple eyes.

“You have something that belongs to me,” he said, his face expressionless. If he was mad, he didn’t show it.

“The strawberry?...” I gulped.

“My book! I must’ve dropped it in your world! Something so powerful shouldn’t be in the hands of an imbecile!”

Suddenly the image of the guy from the mirror flashed through my head.

“An imbecile?! You’re one to talk! You’re the one who left it there in my room in the first place!”

For a quick second he was taken aback but anger quickly returned to his face.

“Just give it back to me! You were never supposed to write anything in it in the first place! You’ve already changed a great part of this world! Chocolate strawberries?! What are you?! 3?! Hand over the book and maybe just maybe I’ll spare you. Though I think I’d be doing the world a great injustice by that…”

Anger surged through my veins and my face actually grew hot. A great injustice if he spared me?! Who did he think he was?! It’s not as if I knew what I was doing! I mean the book practically told me to write in it!

“You jerk! I would gladly give you the stupid book back if I had it with me but I don’t! And what’s wrong with chocolate strawberries?! Actually scratch that, I’m glad you don’t like them! At least they won’t be wasted on the likes of you!” I yelled as I stood up in frustration.

He stared at me in disbelief and I took the chance to storm off. To my surprise he didn’t follow or chase after me and I was glad he didn’t.

Jerk! Jerk! Jerk! Jerk! I screamed in my head as I kicked the nearest tree with all my strength. I had stormed off a few minutes before and probably put a good distance between us. I felt sick….I finally thought that I had a world which I could build by myself…a place where I could go to whenever I wanted to and nobody would ever find me… A peaceful place just for me but I guess I was wrong…This was just another place where I didn’t quite belong… I let out a heavy sigh and sat down.

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