Chapter 10

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Hey everyone! :D (more like the few people who are reading this XD) sorry I hadn’t been writing for quite some time I mean not that many people would actually be reading this story but to those few who are, thank you sooo much and please forgive me for the long ‘vacation’ from writing that I took! D: a lot of things kinda happened and well from now on I’ll try my best to write at LEAST one chapter a week :D (again, not that many people would be happy or anything about that but yea XD) hope you look forward to it and I hope that you enjoy this long over due chapter 10 of Judgement :D please feel free to comment and stuffz~~ :D happy reading~


Sorry that this chapter’s kinda short D:

Chapter 10

“Conscerion… I think-“

“Leah there you are! When the chamber maid told me you weren’t in your room I had the entire castle look for you. I thought you had been kidnapped or something! “Erick ranted when he barged through the double doors.

“You’re the one who said I could do what I wanted!” I complained but when I saw sweat trickle down the side of his face I withdrew and apologised.

He must’ve ran around the entire castle looking for me… I guess they really need me to destroy that book…

He dismissed the incident with a wave of his hand and gave me a full body glance that made me feel highly self conscious.

“What?” I asked as I looked away.

I could feel my face heat up under his gaze.

“What are you wearing?”

I glared at Erick with an intensity that could burn a hole in the wall.

“What do you mean by that?! I’m wearing my clothes an I happen to like this outfit!” I retorted.

“That’s fine and all but I can’t allow you to wear that to dinner with King Argon and Queen Annielle coming over to join us.”


“King Argon and Queen Annielle, Rulers of the neighbouring Spirit mage Kingdom.”

My eyes widened and I felt my stomach tighten. My real parents, that is if I am indeed Princess Arianna.

“Come on, let’s get you changed.”

Erick reached out for my hand but I pulled it away and held it to my chest. For some reason I had started trembling.

“I’m sorry but I don’t think I can…I mean… I’m not really that hungry so…”

I’m sorry Erick but I don’t think I’m ready to meet them yet. I can’t. I’m afraid of what’ll happen when we do meet. It’s already painful enough to suddenly realise that everything I’ve known up till now had been a lie but what if they pretend not to know me? What if they don’t acknowledge me? Even if it’s just a little while longer let me be a coward.

“Leah you’re shaking…”

I looked into Erick’s eyes as they searched mine.

“I’m sorry!” I cried as I pushed past him and started running.

I heard him call but I didn’t look back. I couldn’t… I didn’t want to know what laid behind me. All those dark secrets are terrifying.


After running through several dimly lit hallways, I found myself out in the open. I finally stopped running and tried to catch my breath. It had gotten dark and the three moons were up in the sky again. I looked around and realised that I was in the same garden that I had been in earlier in the day. I walked towards the fountain and sat on it when I had reached it. Without realising it, my hand reached in to touch the water. Despite the cool air of the night, the water was surprisingly warm.

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