Chapter 12

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Ok so this chapter is a day late >.< Really sorry for that! But hey it’s here now so happy reading! :D

B.T.W Special thanks to beccaz for making this new awesome cover! :D 

Chapter 12

-Leah’s P.O.V-

When I woke for the second time, I couldn’t help but wonder if what happened last night was all a weird dream. When I tried to remember what had happened the night before, the first image that came to mind were those purple eyes…Erick. He ran to my room before I blacked out. It was strange because I thought he hated me.

I laid in the bed a little while longer just staring at the ceiling, unmoving. When I finally decided to get up I felt a weight on my side shift. I sat up and looked at it. It was a guy sitting on a chair by my bedside, sleeping with his head covered in his arms so I couldn’t see his face. I hesitated for a while but I decided to wake him up.

“Uhm…hey…wake up,” I whispered as I shook him gently.

He grumbled something softly and turned his head to face me. My eyes grew wide and instinctively averted from his. At the same time, my cheeks grew warm and my stomach did flips. His head still lay on the bed, next to my lap so I bet he could feel me shift on the bed. His eyes smiled at me from under his hair and lashes.

“How’re you feeling?” he asked softly.

“B-better thank you,” I stammered.

Why was I so nervous?!

“Hmm…that’s good,” he said as he sat up properly.

I watched him from the corners of my eyes as he got up and stretched. He stifled a yawn and smiled at me once me. So it wasn’t Erick. Once more I had mistaken Aiden for Erick…Of course it wasn’t Erick.  Deep down I guess I kinda knew that it wasn’t him but why does my chest actually hurt from the obvious truth?

While I was caught up in my thoughts, I hadn’t noticed Aiden sit on the bed. I only snapped out of it when he cupped my face in his hands and held it right infront of his. Our faces had been this close once before and it was in my bedroom as well! 

I could only stay still as his eyes inspected mine.

“Wh-what are you doing Aiden?”

He didn’t answer; instead he sighed in relief and released me.

“At least warmth has gone back into your skin. Yesterday you were as cold as ice! What happed in here?”

Without reason, an image of Ash kissing my hand flashed in my head.


I wasn’t really sure why I had lied about Ash. It was like I didn’t want anyone to know about him. I just wasn’t really sure why.

I could tell from his face that Aiden didn’t believe me but thankfully he didn’t push on. Probably noticing that I didn’t want to talk about last night, he changed the subject for me. He asked me if I was hungry and if by any chance I knew how to get to the dinning table without the aid of the chamber maids because he wasn’t sure how to call them. When I told him we were probably trapped in this room till one of the chamber maids came, he jokingly shouted in a fake superior tone, calling out for a chamber maid to come in instantly. I laughed at him and joined him in the ‘summoning’. Imagine the shock and heart attack we almost had when the doors suddenly burst open.

Obviously it wasn’t a chamber maid; it was actually Leo carrying a scary looking black book in his arm, but we were stupid enough to think it was one. We started laughing at ourselves when we realised how foolish we were. Leo on the other hand thought we were laughing at him so he got a little angry. It was kinda hard to explain when it felt like we were high on laughing gas but thankfully we managed to clear up the misunderstanding before Leo actually really lost it. I mean seriously, he looked ready to start throwing fire balls at us. For a handsome guy he sure is extremely self conscious.

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