Chapter 18

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Hey guys! :D I've decided that since I can't stop thinking about my story and I can't really stay off wattpad anyways, I'm just gonna write xD I mean a chapter a week shouldn't be too bad right? And I mean what good is studying when I'm not FULLY focused on it?? Nothing's getting in anyways so yea. (Yes I'm trying to convince myself that I'm not doing a bad thing here xD) Anyways, without further adieu! The long awaited chapter 18!!! Hope you guys like it :D Remember to comment kay? :D

Chapter 18

Rose and I exchanged determined nods. Suddenly, the place started shaking and a familiar voice echoed through the darkness.

"Wakey, wakey, Princess. We've arrived."

It was the monster! By the way everything shook, the monster was probably shaking the vile. I hated this creature more and more by the second.

"Go," Rose pushed. Although she said that, I had no idea on how to go back! I tried to ask her how I could wake myself up from in here but she just kept pushing. Then out of nowhere a hole appeared beneath me and I started falling. I screamed at Rose's face which got further and smaller the further I fell. She might've said something to me as I fell but I couldn't hear anything she said. It was as if she was on mute. I could see her lips moving but no sound came out. When her face disappeared from view, I turned my attention to what was waiting for me below. Wind whipped my hair hard against my face and stung my eyes but I was certain that I was seeing a bright light. It grew bigger and bigger until it engulfed me fully.  

When I opened my eyes again I was back in the vile with Rose's body… or should I say corpse. It was drenched in blood and was even colder than last time. If that was even possible. I was about to lose myself in thought again but then I felt the vile shake. I turned around and glared at the monster's black eyes. Fury coursed through my veins. What I wouldn't give to be able to pound this sicko to death for what he did.

Amusement sparkled in his eyes when he saw turn to him.

"Finally! Did you have a nice nap? I see your friend there didn't make it. What a shame huh?"

My jaws tightened and I couldn't stop myself. I ran to the side of the vile where his face was at and pounded at the glass with all my strength and anger, cursing at him profusely. He on the other hand found my futile anger very amusing.

He cackled at me and started walking towards something. I should've stopped right then and there and looked at my surroundings instead but I was blinded by so much bottled up fury that the thought never even crossed my mind then. I kept pounding the glass until I lost all feelings to my hands. They were probably bruising and bleeding internally but it didn't matter. I was just about all out of energy when I realised that the monster had stopped moving. He tapped the glass and gestured at me to look to my right, which in his case was forward.

Blood drained from my face when I saw who the monster wanted me to see. He sat on a throne that was made from black spiked rocks and seemed to merge with the tall wall behind him, also made out of the same kind of black rocks. He sat with his legs crossed and his head resting on one of his hands which was on the arm rest while his other hand rested on the other arm rest tapping at its edge casually. He wore a bored look on his face. He had a slight smile at the edge of his lips but they didn't reach his eyes. He was extremely pale, almost as pale as Rose's corpse, which made me wonder if he had any blood in him at all. His eyes were a metallic grey, cold and almost lifeless yet somehow mesmerising at the same time. His hair was pure white and seemed to glisten in the dark as if catching some invisible light. It brushed against his eyes gently as he got up slowly. He moved with such elegance and confidence that it would've easily given those around him the impression that he was superior. An image of burning buildings in the massacre flashed through my head as he took a step towards me. The sound of his boots against the cobbled floor echoed throughout the room and sent chills down my spine. Another image of the massacre flashed through my head, this time of people screaming and running away in fear. He took another step towards me, yet another image flashed through, this time a  silhouette of the man behind a wall of fire. Another step, the silhouette grew bigger. Another step, it got bigger again. It was as if both of them were walking towards me at the same time.

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