Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Erick's P.O.V

I followed Leah as she led the way back to the others. When the room was in sight, I walked faster and over took her so that I would be able to fight off the monsters that came our way. However when I was only a few steps ahead, I heard a soft thud from behind me. When I looked over my shoulder, I saw Leah passed out on the floor. I was about to run to her when I heard the monsters' snickers. I turned back to the front and saw that the monster's had us surrounded.

I clenched my jaws and materialised a sword from ice as I did when I had my battle with Aiden. Even just materialising the sword, made me feel a whole lot weaker but I didn't let it get to me. I gestured for the monsters to come at me and when they did, I took them all on with everything I had. I couldn't let them get Leah. Not when I just got her back.

The monsters kept on coming and it seemed as if there was no end to them. I was exhausted but every time I caught a glance at Leah's lifeless body, I pushed on.  I had just pierced my sword into another monster when I noticed that they were all suddenly still and staring at something behind me. I turned back to look at what had them so stunned but I never thought that I would be left paralysed as well.

Leah was slowly getting up from the ground and I wanted to run to her but something held me in place. We all watched as she stood up. Then when she opened her eyes, the marks on her body shattered and just fell to the ground like glass pieces. After the marks were gone from her body, her hair turned back to black, her eyes became brown again and there seemed to be a soft glow around her as if she was a divine creature.

"Impossible," a monster gasped.

Leah's eyes went straight to him.

"Die," she said through gritted teeth.

 She raised her hand to him and clenched it into a fist. As she did so, the monster fell to his knees. He gasped for air and coughed up blood. At first glance you'd think that she had direct power over him but I knew better. It was a trick Arianna had made up when she was small. She was the only spirit mage who actually managed to make her spirit strings strong enough that they actually turned real. She was able to make tools for merging, the thing that allowed her to connect and merge with another being, into lethal weapons. However, I had never seen her use it on anyone up till now. She had the monster wrapped so tightly with so many spirit strings that it made it difficult for him to breathe and it was even crushing his insides and that's what made him cough out blood.

Then she flicked her hand at him, making the spirit strings slice him into so many tiny pieces that it seemed as if the guy exploded. Fear was evident in the air.

"Who's next," Leah said with a smirk.

Something was wrong, she was clearly not herself anymore.

"Attack!" a foolish monster cried out.

The other monsters hesitated at first but then all of them charged at her. In the chaos, a movement at the corner of my eye caught my attention. I turned to see who it was and was shocked when I saw Ash walking calmly away. I ran after him and called out his name. He stopped for a while and turned back to face me.

"Where are you going?!" I shouted, tightening my grip around my sword.

"To rethink my plans. The princess might be of more use to me alive than dead after all," he said before disappearing into the shadows.

I cursed under my breath and went back into the chaos. The monsters that had gathered around Leah to attack her, didn't even reach her before they were all thrown back by a great force. Our attention was once again back on Leah. The ground where she was at was dented in and cracked as if a gigantic metal ball had been dropped there.

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