Chapter 14

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Hey Guys! >.< I know i know i'm probably the MOST inconsistent writer on wattpad (but this year i really have to focus on my studies so don't hate on me too much? D:) anyways~ here's the long awaited 14th chap of The guardians~ <3 Hope you like it :D PLEASE PLEEAAASSE leave a comment ;D veryt much appreciated :D

 Chapter 14

I tried to hide the horror i felt as i looked at my reflection.

"It's a cosplay kinda way," Aiden comforted.

I shook my head. It was far from cute! I looked like a teenager wearing a kid's clearly fake fairy costume. The fairies were so not gonna believe that i was one of them. The glittery bell bottom skirt was too short and the material the dress was made from was scratchy.

"They'd know i wasn't one of them! no self respecting fairy would wear this! Where did they even get this outfit?!"

"Some store on Earth?" Conserion chimed in.

"Well that explains everything.Why buy a fairy costume from Earth?! Don't they sell fairy costumes here someplace? I mean you have actuall fairies and you know what they wear!"

"Any store that actually sells fairy clothes are only found in fairy kingdoms. We figured that you could just get one the moment you get in.I mean no one in this dimension actually wants to pretend to be something they're not. You'll never see a mermaid trying to be a fairy! We're all happy with who and what we are. I don't know why humans always want to be something else," Conscerion explained.

Ugh. This was never going to work.The only way it could possible work was if a fairy took pity on my outfit, brought me into the kingdom and gave me a change of clothes.But that would be asking for too much of a miracle. I heard fairies were notoriously mischievous beings and they'd probably all just laugh at me and make fun instead of actually helping me out. I heaved a sigh and told the two guys that i needed to get some fresh air alone. I added the last part before they could offer to follow.

As i made my way to the garden i thought of what Blaine had told me. The fairies would be holding a celebration to celebrate their princess's first debut into the public. He said that the fairies didn't know who their princess was until she became of age. It was a very new law passed on by the lastest queen. It was said that the Queen felt that she wanted her daughter to have a fairly normal childhood so that she could enjoy life till she was old enough to start taking over some of her reposibilities. He also added that the new Queen had a soft spot for her daughter. However she ruled her kingdom with an iron fist. A very strange queen indeed.

I would enter the palace on the eve of the celebration when everybody would be too busy to notice me. That's tonight.My nerves were all over the place and Aiden's goofyness did little to calm them. I was going to be alone on this mission. Everyone was counting on me and i didn't want to disapoint them.

"Oh my! You must be Leah," a sweet voice said, interrupting my train of thoughts.

I looked up from the ground and saw a beautiful lady standing before me. She wore an elaborate gown complete with a tiara. She had hazel brown hair and emerald green eyes. They sparkled with delight as she smiled at me. Her hair was tied up in a fancy bun but two curly strands on hair framed her face. I wanted to ask her how she knew me but i was too captivated. Something about her seemed so familiar.

"Oh I'm sorry where are my manners. I'm Queen Annielle, Queen of the spirit mages," she said sweetly. But no amount of sweetness could cover up the impact of what she had said. Queen of the spirit mages. My real mother. I took an involuntary step back. For a moment hurt flashed across her face but she quickly composed herself again. She knew. She knows I'm her real daughter. And yet she's pretending not to! Why?! Before i could take another involuntary step back she took my hands in hers. All of a sudden i felt extremely calm. I stared at our hands and then took a deep breath and met her eyes once more.

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