Chapter 1 (Diabolous)

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"Morning." my brother smiles while he's standing at my door. "Hey, sleep well?" I apply a last bit of cheap lip gloss before I turn my hair into a messy bun as usual. "Yeah, uhm what are you doing after school?"

"Nothing why?" I fix my huge, ugly glasses and make that I have the plate-thing in now that my braces where removed.

"Well, I want you to go to a party with me tonight, so I want to take you shopping" he tells me and I let out a soft chuckle.

"With what money?" I ask him sarcastically. "Well I actually have a lot of money saved up." he grins and make sure all my school books are in my school bag. I give in after fifteen minutes of him pleading me to go with him. But I really don't want to go, because I'm still the laughing stock of the town. I'm still being bullied, and I still have depression which becomes worse as the bullying becomes worse. Yeah I haven't seen HER in a long time but it still gets to me at times.

After art I'm headed to the very bottom of the school with a stack of books in my arms so high that I can't even see. Somewhere in between is my sorry excuse of a smart phone that Angela gave me when she upgraded to her I-Phone. Mrs du Plessis wanted me to take these to the IT room for her. All of the sudden something is thrown right in front of my feet and I trip down the stairs with my glasses flying of my face and all the books scattering across the little court yard. Oh my gosh I don't want to die or break my neck. Oh no this hurts like so much. All the fresh cut and scratches burn like hell. "Hay slutty Betty! You missed a step!" one of the guys shout at me and one girl that walks past kicks me in my stomach causing me to gasp for air as the sharp hit shots through me. Another one stepped on my glasses and some of the boys throw food at me. Right at that very moment Angela comes running from one side and Eric from the other while I just lay there on the hot cement crying in pain.

I mean come on what did I do? But as I lay there waiting for the people to finish their brutal assault and painful insults shooting right into my head and heart it all goes black, and cold, and what I'm most afraid of... Alone.

"Where am I?" I ask out loud in the cold, dark corridor. "Your home." a lady in the end answers, I can't see much except her red eyes. "What do you mean, the only time I have ever been somewhere near this place was..." she cuts me off "When you went bad two years ago." I gasp when I finally understand, and I want to go back, I want to live again. Even if it's hell. She's here. No, I'm already being pulled under and it's only been one incident. It can't happen again! I refuse to. It all just began to become good again. I got my laptop, my dad's not being an impasient asshole anymore. My braces are off. I'm starting to be normal and this monster, this BITCH is bringing me down again. "HELP!!!!" The devil lady laughs at my sobs as she starts to tell me what a worthless piece of trash I am. What did she say I should call her the last time? Dia...Diabo....Diabolous. I jump up in fright she laughs again "Smart girl. You remember my name."

"Ho... how did you know? I didn't tell you anything."

"Chloe. Chloe, Chloe!" Angela shakes me awake and I immediately feel like crying once I realize what's starting to happen again. "I can't see" I barely whisper as she helps me up fixing my school skirt. I need to get out of here, I need to ask Nick to help me get rid of her. He helped me last time he can help me again. "Let's go call Nicholas." she smiles when she sees me on the brink of new tears. She gently places my arm around in neck and soon Andrea is on my other side doing the same as the help me walk to the office. My knee is busted and my face is dripping with warm crimson blood. Someone must have kicked or hit me there while I was out cold. With HER. "Hello miss, can we please call her brother she took a bad fall down the stairs and her glasses broke, so she can't see at all." Andrea speaks and the phone is handed to her. Not long after I tell her what Nick's number is Eric comes running towards me with my bags and books in hand, along with a shattered phone and my broken eyes(glasses). I wonder what the lady at the front desk must think of me. All stinky with food, a bloody face. I mean come on. This is one of the best schools in the region. I was damn lucky to get a scholarship here.

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