First Date?

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Jessica got home around noon. She went to her drawer and got the napkin that Danny's number was on. She grabbed her phone from her purse and dialed. She didn't press call, she stared at the the number on her screen for a while. She took a deep breath and pressed call.
Jessica was nervous. She couldn't believe she was doing this.
"Hello?" said a deep male voice.
"Danny? Danny Huston?"
"Yes, this is he....Jessica?"
"Um, yes."
"Nice to hear from you! Did you receive my roses?"
"Yes I did. They were really beautiful, thank you."
"I chose beautiful roses for a very beautiful woman."
Jessica blushed, "Thanks?" she said as a question.
"So Ms. Lange, would please join me for dinner tonight?"
"Sure, okay!"
"Great I'll pick you up at 7 pm. See you tonight."
"See you tonight Danny. Bye."
"I can't believe I did that!" Jessica thought to herself.
She began to feel nervous, her stomach twisted in knots. "Okay Jess, there's nothing to be worried about. It's just dinner." She sat down on her bed and breathed in and out. She was terrified, she didn't know what Danny wanted with her. "Well he does obviously seems to like you." And Jessica had to be truthful to herself, hearing Danny's voice made her feel comforted. Jessica sighed, "But what if he ends up hurting Sam hurt me? That's what I'm most afraid of; being hurt beyond repair."
Tears rolled down her face, she laid down, curled into a ball and fell asleep.
Jessica woke up around 3 pm. "Oh my gosh! I slept almost the whole day!" She thinks to herself while rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
She heads to the bathroom to take a shower. The hot water slowly relaxes her muscles. She gets out and wraps a towel around herself and a towel around her head. She goes into her room and goes through her closet. She looks for something to wear to dinner with Danny.
She picks out one of her favorite black dresses. She lays it on the bed then picks out some black high heels. It's too early to get dressed for dinner so she brushes out her hair and puts on jeans and a black tshirt. She decides to head over to the coffee shop close by her apartment. Even though she is uncertain she decides to walk.
She grabs her purse and keys, locks her door and is on her way. She starts to walk and is almost to the coffee shop when that feeling of being watched comes back. "What the hell!??? Maybe I am losing." She doesn't even turn around. She knows if she does she won't see anything.
Jessica walks into the coffee shop and sits at her usual table by the window. The waitress bring her her usual cup of tea.
"Thank you!" She tells the waitress.
"No problem Ms. Lange." the waitress says and  smiles.
Jessica takes a sip and rummages in her purse for her journal. I had been weeks since she written in it. She writes about all that has happened. Going back to acting, the play, becoming friends with Sarah and Lily, reconnecting with Kathy, the crazy feeling of being watched and the shadow, and of course, Danny.
Jessica was so lost in her journal she jumps when she hears, "I knew I'd find you here!"
"Sarah!!!!!! You scared the shit out of me!!!"
"Sorry Jess!!!! I tried to call you. When you didn't answer the third time and didn't answer my text messages, I got worried!"
"You called?" says Jessica as she reaches for her purse to look for her phone. "Ah damn I forgot it on top of my bed! Sorry Sarah!"
"It's okay, I'm just glad you are alright." said Sarah. "So do you have any plans for tonight?"
"Actually I do. I'm...going to go to dinner with Danny. Remember the roses? DH?"
"Omg! His names Danny!?"
"Yes, Danny Huston."
"Oh Jess! This is great! You need to start dating again! Put yourself out there."
"I don't know Sarah. I...I'm nervous. I haven't dated anyone else since me and Sam got to....gether...." Jessica trailed off. "I'm just afraid Sarah. What if I open myself up to a man again and he does the same thing that Sam did to me?! I don't think I can go through that again. I've just started to put myself back together again."
Sarah placed her hand on Jessica's. "Jess, not all men are like Sam. I know it sucks getting hurt and your heart broken. Now I didn't go through what you went through but I did go through many heartbreaks before I found the one. I love her with all my heart. Lily is my everything. This may be y'alls first date but what if he's the one Jess? You won't know until you try."
Jessica looked up at Sarah with tears in her eyes, "You're right, it might not work out with Danny but I will give it a try." She said while wiping her tears away. "I'm so glad to have a friend like you Sarah!"
" to Sarah!" Jessica said noticing her looking out the window. "Wow and the moment is gone." Jessica says with a laugh.
"What?" She said turning back her attention to Jessica. " Sorry, it's just...I saw someone staring at you from across the street." Sarah points out. "He was right there. Then he caught me staring at him and he left."
"What did he look like?" Jessica said with concern.
"I didn't get to see his face. He was hidden by sunglasses and his cap covered is whole face with the shadow of it."
"I...think he may be the one I've been sensing lately." Jessica says, fear creeping in. "I just thought I was going crazy. That's why I've been staying at your place lately. Whenever I would feel someone watching me I would turn and see no one." Jessica's heart starts to pound.
"Must be a crazy fan. Oh god that's scary! You okay Jess?"
"Yeah I just, I'll be fine." There's a moment of silence when Jessica asks, "What time is it?"
"It's 4:45."
"I better get going and start getting ready."
"Do you want me to walk you home?"
"No it's okay. Maybe now that you caught him staring, he'll stay away."
Jessica walked home but didn't get that feeling anymore. She pushed what had happened out of her mind and thought of her dinner date with Danny.
It was fifteen till 7 pm and Jessica was ready. She was so nervous her stomach was filled with what felt like butterflies.
There was a knock on her door. She looked through the peep hole. It was Danny.
She took a deep breath and opened the door.
"Hello, there. Wow you look amazing." Danny said handing her a bouquet of flowers. "For you."
"Awe thank you so much Danny."
"Are you ready?" He asked.
They walked to his car and he opened the door for her.
"Thank you!" She said as she gets in.
He closed it and went to the drivers side.
"This is nice. I've never been treated like this in...what feels like a lifetime."
The drive to the restaurant was a quiet one.
When they arrived Danny once again opened the door for her.
"Two for Huston." Danny tells the hostess.
"Right this way Mr. Huston."
Danny pulls the chair out for Jessica as the hostess shows them their table. The waiter arrives and takes their order then brings their drinks.
"Jessica?" Danny said.
Jessica had been so quiet. "God this was a bad idea. I haven't been on a date in years. I don't know how this works anymore." she thinks to herself.
"Yes?" She said out loud.
"Are you okay?"
"I am. I...listen Danny. I got out of a relationship not too long ago and I'm not ready for this. This was a mistake."
"Jessica, I understand that. But please hear me out." He said with pleading eyes. "I remembered the first time I met you on set of Postman, I fell in love with you. I wanted to ask you out right then and there but I froze at how beautiful you are. Next thing I know you had to go do a scene and we never met again. When I saw you that night at the after party I told myself this was my chance."
Jessica stared at him. Her head felt like it was going to explode.
"Look, Jessica, we can take things slow. We can get to know each other and go from there."
Jessica relaxes a little. "Alright Danny."
They get their food and as the night goes on they talk about their families and lives. Of course Jessica leaves out about Sam's abuse.
Jessica starts to feel at ease and comfortable with Danny. "This isn't so bad." she thinks to herself.
Back at Jessica's apartment, Danny walks her to her door.
"I had a great time with you Jessica. I hope we can do this again soon."
"Thank you for dinner Danny, and yes, we can do this again soon."
"Jessica? May I kiss you?"
Jessica's eyes go wide but without thinking she says, "Yes!"
Danny's lips touch Jessica's. He kisses her with such tenderness. Jessica feels her head spinning but in a good way. She feels her whole body fill with what feels like electricity. Before she knows it Danny pulls away. "Goodnight Jessica. Sleep well."
After putting on pajamas, Jessica lies in bed thinking about her date with Danny. She felt so loved by him, he was such a gentlemen. She runs her fingers over her lips, she smiles. He had woken something in Jessica that she didn't even experience that with Sam. She wanted him to go further. "Damn why did he have to be such a gentlemen tonight?" she thinks to herself and laughs.

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