The Nightmare Begins

358 19 12

*8 months pregnant*

Jessica sat on her bed with Noah by her side reading him and the babies a story.
Noah loved when Jessica read to him.
He would go to his room and grab a random book from his toy chest and walk to Jessica's room handing her the book.

Danny was in the kitchen making Jessica something to eat for lunch.
Since being on bed rest, Danny waited on her hand and foot.
She was grateful to him and made her love him even more.
He also was getting Noah's diaper bag ready because he was taking Noah to the zoo for the afternoon so Jessica could have some time alone.

Danny walked into the bedroom carrying a tray with Jessica's lunch.
He smiled at the sight he saw; Jessica reading and Noah cuddled up into Jessica's side having his tiny hand on her belly.
He put the tray of food down next to the night stand by Jessica.
Jessica looked up and smiled at Danny.
He bends down and kisses her. "You're so beautiful my love."
"Thanks Hun. But I don't feel beautiful."
"Well, please trust me when I say, you are beautiful." He says sitting next to her and placing his hand on her belly.
She puts down the book and places her hand over his.
Noah sees his parents and moves up a little and imitates them. He places his tiny hand over hers.
Jessica tears up. "Awe, my little love bug."
She bring him close to her and hugs him.
Noah kisses her on her cheek. "I lub you!"
"I love you too my sweet boy!"

"Do you need anything else before we go?" Danny asks.
"Nope, I'm all set." She says.
"Ready to go to the zoo Noah?" Danny says looking at him.
"Dadda! Zoo!" Noah says excitedly.
"Alright buddy, let's go!"
Danny carries Noah and they say goodbye to Jessica. She hugs and kisses them and tells them to have fun.

Jessica finishes her lunch and drinks her water. She lays back on her pillows and relaxes.
She grabs her iPod and searches for Stevie Nicks. She presses play.
The song Stand Back begins to play.
Jessica smiles and rubs her belly; the babies moving around. They had been still throughout the morning. "I take it you two enjoy Stevie." She laughs.
She closes her eyes as Stevie plays on.

Jessica woke up to silence. She slept through the entire Wild Heart album.

She stretches and gets up to use the bathroom.
When she was done, she came out of the bathroom and heard a noise.
"Could they be back already?" She thinks to herself.
She leaves her bedroom and walks to the living room. Looking around she doesn't see Danny.
"I must be going nuts."
She turns to walks back to her bedroom.
She's half way there when all of sudden, a hand covers her mouth and places an arm around her.
"Don't move, don't say a word." A harsh male voice says.
She begins to panic but doesn't move.
"Now, you're coming with me. We can do this the hard way or the easy way. Either you can walk on your own or I can drag you out of here."
Fear rolls over her; she feels something sharp pressed to the side of her stomach.
"I'm gonna take my hand away so you can answer." The male voice says.
"I'll...walk." Jessica says in a whisper; tears rolling her her face. She wanted nothing more to fight back but she knew she would lose.

They walk out of the apartment.
The man takes her through the back where he had just come and knowing there was no one else around.

Coming out of the door, a van is parked waiting.
The man forces Jessica in and quickly closes the door.
"Go!" He yells, telling the driver.
Jessica is hysterically crying holding her belly and looking up at the man. He had a ski mask on.
" doing this?" She sobbed.
"Shut up. I said don't say a word! Oh stop that crying!"
Jessica puts a hand to her mouth trying to not make a sound. She tries to calm herself but it's no use. The only thing she could do was curl up on the side of the van and sob.

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