Mr. and Mrs. Danny Huston

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"Please put your hands together for the newly weds, Mr. And Mrs. Daniel Huston as they make their way to the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife!"

Jessica and Danny make their way to dance floor. Their song begins to play; The Way You Look Tonight by Tony Bennett. Danny and Jessica look into each other's eyes as they begin to dance, tears of happiness rolling down her face. Everyone goes crazy taking pictures, there's not a dry eye in the room. Jessica lays her head on Danny's chest and closes her eyes as they continue their dance around the dance floor.
When the song is over the applause was louder than before. As they made their way to their table, they were getting stopped by everyone they passed telling them congratulations and hugging them both.
"Congrats baby brother!" Anjelica says hugging Danny then turning to Jessica, "Welcome to the family Jessica."
"Thank you sis!" Says Danny.
"Thanks Anjelica." Said Jessica.
Jessica and Danny finally make it to their table and sit down.
"How are you feeling Mrs. Huston?" asks Danny.
"I feel amazing! I mean, other than the leg cramps and backache." Jessica says with a laugh.
Danny puts his hand on Jessica's belly and gives her a kiss.
"I love you so much Jess."
"I love you too."
"Okay that's enough! Save that for the honeymoon!" yells Kathy.
"Oh gosh Kathy! How much have you had to drink?" Jessica says.
"Just one...or 3, 4 drinks." Kathy laughs.

After a while Danny asks Jessica to dance a few songs. Jessica dances several before she begins to lose some steam.
"I have to sit down." Jessica sighs.
"Okay love, let's go."
"Hey Jess! Do you mind if I dance with my new brother in law?" Said Sarah.
"Not at all!"
Jessica makes her way back to the table. As soon as she sits, she takes off her high heels. Jessica looks up and takes in everything in the room. She begins to get teary eyed. "I'm so happy to have found Danny. He's my husband and soon we will have our baby boy in our arms!" She thinks to herself, her hand on her belly feeling the baby move to the sound of the music.

"Can I sit here for a second?" says a male voice from Jessica's side.
Jessica freezes and looks to see Sam.
"Um...okay?" She says uncertainly.
"Who the hell invited him?!"
"Listen Jess, I just wanted to talk to you. I didn't know how else to get a hold of you. When you sent my letter back, I continued to send letters and finally I called Adam myself. We've been talking all this time and well, he told me about your wedding and I begged him to tell me when and where it was going to be. I promised him I wasn't going to cause any trouble." When Jessica didn't say anything he continued. "After I was locked up, I went into their rehab program and I got help. After I completed the program they released me. I realized, I hurt you in the worst way possible. I was a fool. I allowed alcohol to turn me into and a coward. It's too late now, I lost you the very first moment I laid a hand on you. Please, forgive me."
So many thoughts went through Jessica's mind. "Could this be true? Has Sam changed? Why here? Why now? Why couldn't he wait for another time? Is he really sincere? I'm gonna kill Adam!" Jessica turned away from Sam and looked up to find Danny.
She didn't have to look for long; he was standing right in front of the table, giving Sam a death stare. Sarah and Lily were right behind Danny looking worried.
Even though Danny had heard everything, Danny still had his guard up.
Jessica sighed, "Fine. I forgive you."
"Thank you Jess. It really means a lot. It was the only way to move on with my life."
Jessica accepted Sam's apology; not for Sam's benefit, but for herself. He was right about one thing, it was the final piece to move on with her life too. She let go of all the anger and resentment she held on to towards Sam.
"And to you too Danny, I'm sorry."
Danny just nodded his head.
"I'll be going now." Sam said as he got up.
Sam paused, "May I give you a goodbye hug?"
Jessica looked to Danny who nodded an okay.
Jessica got up and hugged Sam for a brief moment and as they let go Sam said, "You look very beautiful by the way." Then turning to Danny, "Again, I'm sorry for everything." He held his hand out to Danny and Danny took it and they shook hands.

Danny went to Jessica's side, "Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine." Jessica leaned into Danny and they held on to each other for a while. Finally Jessica said "Now, let's cut the cake, please! We both want cake!" while touching her belly.
"Sure thing love."
Everyone gathered around with their cameras ready. Danny and Jessica cut the cake together like they did at their gender reveal party. They held two pieces of cake in their hands and intertwined their arms and fed each other cake. Jessica pushes cake all over Danny face and Danny does the same. Everyone laughs and Danny and Jessica kiss.
Once they clean their faces off, they dance a bit more. The reception was coming to a close.

After the reception, all the guest went outside to see off the bride and groom as they drove off to the airport. Jessica and Danny had changed into comfier clothes before meeting the waiting crowd outside. As Danny drove, Jessica was slowly dozing off. They were spending their honeymoon in Rome.
As soon as the plane took off in the air and it was safe to take off their seat belts; Jessica cuddled up to Danny, placed her head on his shoulder. "I love you Danny." She said before falling asleep.
"I love you too my love." He said even though he knew Jessica was already asleep. He gave her a kiss on the top of her head and held her in his arms.

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