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*1 month old*

The airplane flight was uneventful. Noah slept through almost the whole flight; he would wake up when he was hungry or needed to be changed.
Jessica and Danny arrived in Maui two days early with Sarah, Lily and Sarah's mom, Catherine.
Jessica and Danny get settled in their hotel room and Jessica was feeding Noah. She stared into his hazel brown eyes; Noah looked exactly like Danny but he had Jessica's nose and eyes.

"So what should we do tonight?" Danny asked.
"I'm not sure, I think Sarah said something about having dinner."
Just then there was a knock at the door.
Danny answers the door. "Oh hey Sarah! Come on in."
"Hey you two, I wanted to give you a gift...we'll sort of." Sarah laughs. "How about, Lily and I take care of Noah for a while so you two can have a date night or something."
"That'll be great!" Danny spoke up.
Jessica hesitated. "I...don't know. Don't you and Lily want to spend time together before the wedding."
"Jess, let us do this for you, one, it'll give us practice for when we have our own children and two I know you and Danny haven't been on your own since my nephew was born. Anyway, me and Lily will have plenty of time for us on our honeymoon."
"I...I don't know if I can leave him."
"Hun, let's except Sarah's offer, and we won't be gone too long. We'll just have dinner downstairs in the hotel, we won't be far." Danny said.
"Well, I can feed him before we go and ..." Jessica was feeling nervous. She felt it was too soon to leave Noah. She looked at Danny and could tell he wanted to have some alone time with her. She looked down at her baby boy who was done with his meal. Jessica fixes herself and lifts up her shirt. Then lifts Noah up to her shoulder to burp him.
"Okay fine. But dinner only and then back to my baby!"

After leaving Sarah and Lily's room, they weren't even down the hall when Jessica began to panic.
"I need to go back! I can't do it! I can't leave him."
Danny faced her towards him and put his hands on her shoulders. "Jess, please, calm down. Noah is going to fine. We will back before you know it. Now, let's go eat dinner and relax."
Jessica took a deep breath and nodded.

After ordering their food, Jessica began to relax a little.
"You are so beautiful." Danny says taking her hand in his.
Jessica smiles. "Thank you my love. Although, I haven't felt beautiful lately."
"You're ALWAYS beautiful."
Jessica blushed.
"Mrs. Huston, are blushing?"
She leans in and kisses him.
Just then, she feels this electricity course through her body and her kiss intensified. They hadn't been together since Noah was born. Which the doctor had said to wait six weeks before they became intimate again.
She pulls away. "Why don't we take our food to go." She says breathlessly.
Danny grins and flags down the waiter.

As soon as the door to their hotel room closes, they drop their food on the nightstand and rush to the bed. Danny unzips Jessica's dress then starts to unbutton his shirt.
Jessica slips off her dress and it falls to the floor.
Danny pulls Jessica close to him and kisses her. He slowly lays her on the bed. He moves towards her neck and a soft moan escapes her lips, breathing heavily.
"Danny...usually...I...love when you go slow...but...I need you to...fuck me already!" she said breathlessly.
Danny quickly takes off his pants and wastes no more time.
He gets on top of Jessica, her legs spread apart ready for him.
Danny enters her and begins to thrust. He lets out a loud moan.
"Oh god...Danny!!!"
Danny continues thrusting; Jessica wraps her arms around his neck holding him close.
"Faster...please...faster." Jessica says.
Danny does what she asks, letting out another moan. A few minutes pass; they were both getting close to their orgasms. Jessica lifting her hips up a bit.
Danny could feel Jessica contract around him.
"Oh!!!!!!!......FUCK!!!!!" Jessica yells as she releases herself on him.
Soon after Danny releases himself into her. Staying connected, Jessica says, "Oh how much I missed that!"
Danny kisses her. "I....missed that...too." he says trying to catch his breath.
He gently get off of her and lays back on his pillow. Jessica turns wrapping her arm around his abdomen and lays her head on his chest. They stay silent for a few moments, smiles on both their faces.
"So, are glad we took a moment for ourselves?" Danny asked.
"Yes, I am." She says and kisses him. "But now, I'm going to get my baby. It's almost time for his feeding."
Jessica gets up and gets dressed into pajamas and leaves to Sarah and Lily's room to get her baby boy.

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