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Jessica's eyes start to flutter; having trouble at first to keep them open.
Finally, she begins to look around and finds Danny sitting next to her asleep; his hand in hers.
"Da...Danny?" she says more than a whisper. "Danny!" She squeezes his hand.
He jerks awake and looks at her.
"Oh Jess! Oh my love!" He stands up and gives her a gentle hug and kisses her lips.
Her heart is overjoyed to see him and to be out of that place. She hugs and kisses him back before she flinches in pain.
"Sorry my love, you had to have an emergency C-section once they brought you here." he says with a hint of sadness in his voice.
She quickly and gently puts her hands on her now smaller belly, tears starting to form in her eyes. "I want to see my babies!"
"Soon Hun, soon. I'm going to find the doctor." Says Danny, still with a hint of sadness that Jessica couldn't understand. She looked into his eyes.
"Are those tears?" she thinks to herself.
He kisses her again and walks out of the room.
Jessica tries to remain calm; she was feeling uneasy.

"Hello Mrs. Huston, how are you feeling?" The doctor walks over to Jessica and begins to examine her.
"I' whole body aches." she says letting out a sigh.
"When they brought you in, we quickly rushed you into the OR and did an emergency C-section. Your incision will heal in 4-6 weeks. You're doing really well, we will be keeping you here in the hospital for 3-4 days at the most, then you can go home."
"Can I see my babies now?" she says impatiently.
Danny walks over to Jessica and stands by her.
"We will bring you your daughter to you soon. She has a strong set of lungs for a premie." Said the doctor. Just then his brow furrows. "As for your son...because of the trauma your body took...your son took the full force of it. I'm sorry Mrs. Huston but your son didn't make it."

Jessica's breath catches in her throat; tears fall down her cheeks. She stares at the doctor blankly.
Danny quickly pulls her close into his chest, finally letting his own tears fall.
With Danny's touch, Jessica lets out a sound that no words could describe; finally catching her breath. The sound was filled with pain. Her whole body shook with her sobs.
"No! No! Please tell me it's not true Danny!!!! He's not gone!"
"Shhhhh...Jess..." Danny said as his voice broke.
Danny gently rocks her, careful not to harm her incision. She cries into his chest holding onto him as if he were a life preserver.

The doctor had done this countless time before, but it never gets any easier.
"I'm sorry for your loss. I'll let you both have a moment. Just press the call button when you're ready to see your daughter."
Jessica lifts her head from Danny's chest. "Can I see him? I want to see my son. Can I hold him?! Please!" she says in hoarse voice.
"I'll have a nurse being him to you in a few minutes." The doctor gives them a small nod and leaves the room closing the door behind him.

"This...can't be...happening." Jessica cries out, trying to catch her breath as she tries to speak. "Why...Danny...why? I...tried to...protect them. I guess...I didn't try hard enough. If, I would have fought back..."
"Jess, you did all you could to protect them. Please to blame yourself for this. And you delivered our baby girl safely, she's healthy and strong."
Danny carefully lies down next to Jessica still holding her in his arms.
After having a moment of grief, Jessica is filled with intense anger. "That crazy bitch needs to pay! She has to pay for what she did and for..."
Jessica couldn't say the words. Changing directions and in her numbness she asks. "How did they find me?"

Danny tells her everything; he tells her that one of the kidnappers turned himself in and turned in the accomplice and Megan; how he told them where to find her and what happened to Megan.

"She was pulling out of her driveway when the police showed up at her house. Megan saw them coming and that's when she took off and that's when the high speed chase started. It lasted for fifteen minutes before she lost control of the car."
said Danny in a lifeless voice. "The doctors said that her spinal cord was damaged beyond repair. She's in intensive care and may not make it. If she survives, she will spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. She's paralyzed from the neck down."

After Danny had finished, Jessica didn't know how to feel. She just laid there, her head on his chest, not moving; not saying anything. She thought about what Danny said. She wanted justice, she wanted Megan to rot in jail for the rest of her miserable life. But this, was it justice? Jessica couldn't help but think, "She got what she deserved!" She closes her eyes. "It doesn't matter anymore, it won't bring my baby boy back."

The door opened and a nurse walks in wheeling the cart that held Jessica's baby boy.
Jessica and Danny look up and Jessica's chest tightens.
Danny helps her to sit up.
"Mrs. Huston, are you ready?" the nurse asks looking at her with sympathy in her eyes.
Jessica was far from ready but she nods her head.
The nurse picks up the baby and hands him to Jessica. "Take all the time you need." The nurse says placing her hand on Jessica's shoulder then turns and walks out of the room.

As soon as the door closes, Jessica lets out a sob and stares at the lifeless body of her baby boy through her tears.
She studies his face, her fingers caressing him.
Silent tears roll down Danny's face, his arm around Jessica's.
"He...looks so peaceful; like he's only sleeping." Jessica whispers placing a kiss on his forehead.
She holds him close to her chest. "I'm so sorry, I couldn't protect you. Mommy loves you Ethan. I will always love you!"

Danny and Jessica stay this way for another hour. In that time, they both grieve, they both taking turns holding their baby boy before it was time to say goodbye.
The nurse wheels him away and tells them she'll give them a moment before bringing in their baby girl.

The moment felt bitter sweet for Jessica.
She was still grieving for the lose of her baby boy and now she was overjoyed holding her baby girl. But still the heartbreak was there.

"Hi Abigail, I'm so happy to see you again."
Recognizing her voice, Abigail looks up at Jessica.
"I love you, my baby girl."
"She's beautiful Jess. She's perfect.I love you so much." Danny says and gives Jessica a kiss.
"I love you too Danny."
They spend time with their newborn baby girl, then a nurse walks in yet again and tells Jessica it's almost time for the baby's feeding.
Since Jessica had a C-section, the nurse brought in a special pillow for the baby to lay on.
The nurse sets Jessica up, placing the pillow on her side then places the baby on Jessica's side. Jessica had to hold her like a football player would hold a football at the side. She will have to feed her like this for a while as she healed.
Right away Abigail latches on and the nurse leaves again.

Tears run down her face again not being able to stay strong anymore. Her emotions were everywhere; she felt joy, she felt grief, and anger and joy again that she was able to bond with her daughter by being able to breastfeed.

After she was done feeding, Danny gets a text, he quickly reads it.
He turns to Jessica still holding her baby girl and says, "Are you up for a very eager visitor?"
"Noah?" She whispers, then nods.
"I'll go get him. He's outside with Sarah."
Before he leaves he puts a sleeping Abigail into her hospital carrier.

When Danny returns, he is telling Noah to be careful because his mommy has a booboo.
As soon as Noah see Jessica his face lights up and says, "Mommy!"
"My little love bug!" She says as Danny carefully lays Noah by her side. "I've missed  you so much."
She holds Noah tightly as she can and talks to him for a while. She places kisses on his little head.
Noah finally notices Jessica's smaller bump; he points and says, "Babies?!"
Jessica smiles and says, "They're not in mommy's tummy anymore."  She gives him a kiss. "Noah, do you want to meet your baby sister?"
"Yea mommy!"
Danny brings Abigail over and places her in Jessica's arms.
"Noah, meet Abigail. But you can call her Abby. Say hi to her my little love bug."
Noah's eyes are wide and smiles. "Hi Ab-by! I No-ah."
Jessica laughs.
"I lub you Ab-by!" Noah says, leaning over and gives his baby sister a kiss.

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