Will We Be Happy Again?

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As the months passed by, Jessica and Danny's relationship continued to be strained.
Danny did everything in his power to make her trust him again. He wasn't going to give up.
He continued to stay in the guest bedroom at her request.

Jessica missed his kiss, his strong embrace; she missed him. But she couldn't help think of those photos; Danny in the arms of that woman. She would pull away every time he would try to touch her. But he never gave up. He was determined to hold her in his arms again.

As her belly grew, her resolve began to falter.
It was only when the babies began to move and kick that she allowed him to feel their babies movement. She didn't want him to miss out on her pregnancy. She even let back into their bedroom.
They would lie in bed at night in each other's arms; their hands on her belly feeling the babies kick and move around.

They were slowly rebuilding their relationship and Jessica was beginning to feel happy again. They found out the gender of their babies; they were having a boy and a girl.
Danny and Jessica were beyond the moon. They began thinking of baby names.

Also, Jessica had no choice but to wean Noah from breastfeeding. Her belly had become too big for him to nurse comfortably. He struggled in the beginning but now he had no trouble eating baby food.
Another obstacle that came up was when Jessica could no longer carry Noah. She always had to sit down to be close to him. She felt guilty about not being able to carry him when he want would call for her. He was so clingy before but since she couldn't carry him, Noah become more attached to Danny. It broke her heart. She tried to take care of him and play him as best she could.

Megan hadn't been seen or heard from since Christmas. Although, deep in the back of Jessica's mind, she knew Megan wouldn't give up.
Jessica knew she was out there and she didn't know what she was going to do next. She tried not to dwell on it. She wasn't afraid for herself; she afraid that Megan would try to hurt Noah or her twins when they were born.

*7 months pregnant and Noah's 1st Birthday*

Jessica sat on the sofa watching Danny and Sarah getting things ready for Noah's birthday party. She had wanted to make a big party for Noah and wanted to help with the decorations.
But this pregnancy kept her from doing that.
Being pregnant with her twins took a huge toll on her body. Her body hurt all over and she was exhausted all the time. She had trouble standing for long periods of time as well. She hardly had any energy.
So they had to scale down the party and only invited a few people.

"Oh god!" Jessica winced in pain and threw her head back, shutting her eyes.
"You okay Jess?" Sarah asked sitting next to her.
Jessica breathed in and out. "Yeah...the babies...they are very active right now and are kicking me really hard. Plus, mix in Braxton Hicks Contractions! Not fun."
"May I?" Sarah asked reaching for Jessica's huge belly.
"Of course!" Jessica replied smiling at her.
Sarah places her hands on the sides of Jessica's stomach and feels the babies kick. Sarah smiles and a tear rolls down her face.
Jessica puts her hands on top of Sarah's. "I'm so glad you're here Sarah. I've really missed you."
"Me too Jess. I'm sorry I pushed you away. I just..."
Jessica pulls Sarah into a hug. "Shhh...no need to apologize Sarah. You're here now, that's all that matters."
It had been months since Jessica saw Sarah.

In December, the day after Christmas, Sarah suffered a miscarriage. She had pulled away from everyone; even Lily. Sarah couldn't be in the same room with Lily or Jessica without having a breakdown.
Watching their bellies grow while hers didn't was too much for her. But she had finally began to heal and was now coming around more.
"Is Lily coming?" Jessica asked.
"Yes, she's on her way. I can't believe our baby girl is almost here. One more month!"

"Mamma!" Noah said walking towards her. Momma had been his first word.
Jessica looks down, "How's my birthday boy?"
"Mamma!" He says again smiling and reaches for her.
"Sarah? Could you please give him to me?"
"Of course Jess."
Sarah lifts him up and gives him to Jessica.
She holds Noah close to her side and becomes emotional. "My little love bug is one today! Oh gosh! You've gotten so big!"
Danny walks over and says. "Alright everything is ready! Now we wait for our guests."
"Dadda!" Noah says while standing up on the sofa. He had said his second word a few days after his first.
"Hey my big boy! You're ready for your party?" Danny asks.
Noah begins to jump up and down in excitement.
Danny quickly grabs him for he almost jumped right onto Jessica's stomach. "Careful Noah." Danny bends down to kiss Jessica then says, "You okay my love?"
"Yes, but that was close." She says while rubbing her belly.

Finally their guests arrived and the party began. Every one took turns holding Noah and playing with him.
They all ate and mingled for a while longer then it was time for cake.
Danny put Noah in his high chair and Jessica placed a tiny birthday cake just for him.
She had her camera ready to see what he would do.

Noah stares at the cake for a few seconds wondering what it was; then he puts both of his tiny hands in it and squashes it in between his fingers.
He lifts his hands to his mouth tasting it.
His eyes lite up and eats some more.
Jessica takes picture after picture capturing the whole thing.
Everyone is laughing and they too take pictures and videos.

As the party progressed, Jessica's stamina was waining. Everyone could tell she was struggling.
"Hun, go lay down and rest, I'll handle everything here." Danny said giving her a kiss and rubbing her back.
Jessica nods feeling embarrassed and excuses herself and heads towards her bedroom.

She closes the door and burst into tears.
She walks over to her bed and lays down. Caressing her big belly, she tries to stop crying.

At her recent check up, her doctor told her to not stress and that she had to be on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy and not get up for anything. Only to use the bathroom, shower with help or to walk short distances.
Today she had pushed herself too hard.
She should have been in bed but she wanted to be there for Noah. She didn't want to miss his first birthday. She felt like she was missing out on everything with him.
She breathed in and out; she finally calmed down enough and fell asleep.

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