Doctors Appointment

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Jessica and Danny sat in the waiting room holding each other's hand.
"Ms. Lange?" calls a nurse.
Jessica stands up, "Yes."
"Right this way." said the nurse with a smile.

Jessica sits on the examination table waiting for the doctor to come in. Jessica felt a little nervous. She couldn't wait to see and hear the baby again.

"Good afternoon Ms. Lange and Mr. Huston."
said the doctor walking through the door. "Should we start?"
"Yes please!" said Jessica.
Jessica lays back and lifts her shirt to expose her baby bump and the doctor begins to measure her belly.
"Well, things seem to be right on track, 11 weeks. That means you're almost done with the first trimester. The morning sickness should be letting up but then of course all pregnancies are different. Now let's see your baby." Says the doctor while wheeling the ultrasound machine closer.
The doctor squeezes some gel onto Jessica's belly. He puts the transducer down on her bump and begins to move it around. Instantly they all can hear a strong heartbeat.
"Very nice. The heart is strong, and your baby is now 2 inches long."
Jessica and Danny had tears in their eyes, and had smiles on their faces. They both stare at the monitor and Jessica tells Danny, "There's are little love bug."

On the ride home Jessica smiles as she looks at the ultrasound photo.
"Oh Danny! I can't wait to hold our baby in my arms!"
"Me too Jess! Me too!" Danny says excitedly reaching to place his hand on Jessica's belly.

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