Its Not A Stomach Bug

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It was Friday and Jessica was still throwing up. Her bouts of vomiting would come and go. She couldn't understand what was going on with her. Her 24 hours were way past up; almost four days now.
"Jess, I don't feel comfortable leaving you like this." Danny said. "I can stay, I'll turn down the movie." He is to leave on Monday for three weeks.
"No don't do that. I'll be okay. Sarah said she will stay with me."
"Danny, go, film the movie. I don't want you to stop everything for me."
Danny lays on the sofa with Jessica and wraps his arms around her. "But you are my everything."
Jessica tears up, "Oh Danny, I would never have thought I would find someone like you. You make me"
"A queen?"
"Well, I wasn't going to say that." Jessica lugged. "You are my everything too. I love you."
"I love you too Jess." Danny kisses Jessica when all of a sudden her stomach starts to cramp.
"What's wrong?" Danny says with worry.
"I just got cramps. I think I'm finally going to start my period."
"Finally?" Danny asks confused.
"Yeah well, with everything that was going on my cycle had been irregular. So I is...." She trails off.
Jessica pulls out her phone, opens the calendar app and goes back to her last period. She looks up at Danny as she figured out what's going on.
She looks at Danny with wide eyes, "I don't think I have a stomach bug."
Danny returns from the drug store with five home pregnancy tests. Jessica goes to the bathroom with and pees in a cup. She dips each one, sets them to the side and pours the rest down the toilet and flushes. She washes her hands and goes to sit with Danny on the bed and wait for five minutes. They are both quiet. They hadn't talked about having children before. "What if he doesn't want children?!" Jessica panics. Danny looks over and notices her reaction. "Honey, are you okay?"
"Danny, what if I am pregnant?"
Danny gently holds Jessica's face in his hands, looks into her eyes, "If you are, that would be the most wonderful thing in the world. I've always wanted children but I hadn't found the one. Until you of course!" he leans in to kiss Jessica.
Jessica begins to cry, "Oh Danny, I'm so happy! I was worried you didn't want children."
"Shhh, don't cry. Shhh..."
He holds her then a few seconds later the timer goes off.
Jessica walks into the bathroom. She takes a deep breath and looks at the tests.
"So, whats the verdict?!"
Jessica walks into the bedroom, looks at Danny and says, "I'm pregnant!"
"Oh Jess!!!!!" Danny lifts her up on his arms and spins her then puts her down.
Jessica felt dizzy after that turn but she didn't care. "Danny! We're going to be parents!"

The next day Jessica goes to her doctors for a check up and to make sure she was really pregnant. Sometimes home pregnancy tests can give a false positive.
"But all five said you were pregnant. They can't all be a false positive!" Danny said after Jessica told him about false positives.
"Ms. Lange?" calls the nurse. "Right this way."
Jessica and Danny walk holding each other's hand. They enter the examination rooms and Jessica sits up on the examination table.
"The doctor will be right with you." the nurse says closing the door.
Jessica get nervous, she starts to think what she wasn't pregnant and they celebrated too early yesterday. Just then the doctor walks in.
"Good afternoon Ms. Lange."
"Good afternoon Doctor."
"So what brings you and your husband in today?"
"My fiancé." Jessica quickly corrects him. "I hadn't been feeling well, and I thought I had a stomach bug. And yesterday I took five home pregnancy test. They were all positive."
"Wow five pregnancy tests!"
"Well we wanted to be sure." Jessica says while blushing.
"Usually we run some test but we'll go straight to the examination. Please lay back and lift your shirt."
Jessica does as the doctor tells her to. The doctor places his hands on Jessica's belly and begins to work his way around her abdomen. Jessica feels extremely uncomfortable had he presses down.
"Okay Ms. Lange I think we can do the ultrasound now, this will be the final test. I don't want to say for sure until we see the ultrasound."
The doctor wheels the ultrasound machine into place and squeezes some gel onto her stomach. Surprisingly the gel wasn't cold. Danny holds Jessica's hand. The doctor places the transducer onto Jessica's belly. He moves it around spreading the gel.
"So Ms. Lange, would you and your fiancé like to hear your baby's heart beat?"
Jessica smile was wide, her eyes filled with tears and Danny was beyond the moon. Unable to speak the both nod their heads.
The doctor presses a button and instantly they can hear a strong heartbeat.
The tears begin rolling down her cheeks. Danny leans and kisses her.
The doctor turns the screen, "There's your baby, it's the size of raspberry, but you can clearly see it. Now from what I'm seeing, you are about, roughly 8 weeks far along."
No words could describe what Jessica was feeling. She couldn't speak. She was so overjoyed that she and Danny would become parents. All she could do was nod.
"Congratulations to the both you. Now let's take some pictures of your baby."
After the pictures were taken, the doctor wipes Jessica's belly of the gel and tells her, "Now as far as the morning sickness goes, it will ease up after the first trimester. For now, try drinking some ginger ale, Gatorade helps too, also drink plenty of water and eat some saltine crackers."
"Thank you doctor." Jessica said with a smile.
When they walked back to the car, Danny grabs Jessica and kisses her. Jessica reaches up and wraps her arms around his neck.
Jessica pulls away feeling breathless. "Whoa! Down Danny boy!"
"Jess, you're an amazing woman, you know that?" says Danny while resting his hand on Jessica's belly.

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