Behind Closed Doors - Chapter Three

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    The water on my skin feels so good. Better than it has felt in a long time and that was saying something. I try to not think about the book. Robert Mugabe. As my sister had said he was an "evil, twisted person" and so why had my mama told me he was such a good man? I always knew there was something... Weird, something very strange about how she used to never make eye contact with me when she spoke about him and how afterwards, she always had an excuse to leave the conversation before I could ask any more questions. She was hiding something. They were hiding something. But the question that wouldn't leave my mind was, who were... they?

    And there was something else clouding my thoughts. Merissa. Every time I feel like I am on to something, tying a loose end, she pops into my thoughts once again. Damn you Merissa! Why do you have to be so god damn beautiful! Once her image flickers into my head there is no getting her out. After about the fifth attempt to block her from my thoughts, I finally give up, muttering under my breath how ridiculous it is that I can't even go a few minutes without thinking about her. I have to see her! Today.

    As soon as I decide that I’m going to see her, I rush the rest of my shower and never in all my four months of being locked up have I got out so quickly! I dry myself off with a towel, which is horrible. I never dry myself with a towel. I normally just put on my underwear and loungd about in my room until I am dry. After all, it isn't as if I have to rush to be anywhere. But today is different. Today, rush is needed.

   I walk over to my wardrobe, with the towel firmly wrapped around my body and flick through all my clothes. I settle with a baggy pair of jeans and a plain tee-shirt. I don't want to seem too enthusiastic. I didn't bother to put any shoes on as I know my feet will be comfortable on the soft grass that is well looked after. For a second I think about doing something nice with my hair but just as fast as the thought comes into my head, it shoots back out again. Get a grip of yourself girl! You’re just going to say hello. That's ALL. Anyway, if this visitor is as important as Tia made out, no doubt I would have to present myself appealingly tonight. I don’t want to have to make such an effort twice in one day so I settle with a coat of eyeliner and some vanilla flavoured lip balm. After I apply it I can't help myself from licking my lips to taste the sweet flavour. Mmm. It tastes better than it smells! Yum!

    I quietly make my way downstairs. I feel like a child sneaking around to get a hand into the cookie jar without mummy seeing. I feel as if I am doing something wrong. I check my reflection in the mirror and take a deep breathe. I am being pathetic. I have brilliant social skills. I will be fine talking to her. She is only the gardener, I am superior to her and... No! Di that is where you’re wrong! I am not superior or worth more than her. How could I even think such a thing? Well, its not you’re fault my subconscious echoes. That's how you were always bought up. Maids, cooks, chauffeurs. Staff in general were thought of as the lowly class. That's just how it was right? No, wrong again! Stop saying that. No one is better than anybody! Hang on, was this actually happening? Was I actually having a conversation with myself? Right, I have to get out there before I drive myself crazy!

"Hey" I say nervously as I approach her.

    Shit, I hadn't even thought through what I was going to say. She turns around, welcoming me with an amazing smile. Woaa, she looked so… So hot! Why had I chosen to present myself in such a dull manner when I knew the full extent of her beauty already!? What was I thinking. Useless baggy jeans that did nothing for my body and a plain tee-shirt!? You idiot!

"Hello Dionne.”  She has a lovely, angelic voice.

"Di. Call me Di" I reply with a smile spread across my face.

"Di" she says and I feel my heart melt! "So, what's up? You don't have any more requests from your father do you? Gosh, he never seems to understand that although I am good with my hands, gkhsldfsloihsdgoalkhsdgl.."

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